Chapter 10

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I wake up with my head pounding and my eyes raw from crying, how the hell do I make it back to my room, I roughly shake my head. Man my memories are all jumbled up, come on Valintina remember... OMFG I can't believe I let myself be so weak around Damian but he was so sweet.

Ugh I can't believe I cried over Elijah he is not worth it, it's not me who is A FUCKING BASTARD WHO CANT KEEP IT IN HIS FUCKING PANTS! Mmmaybe iff I just cut only once yeah ... No I will not give in I will fight it!

I walk over to Emily's room I open the door to her room the word MEH plastered across her door she looks up and glares at the door then she sees it's me and smiles.

Man she looks tired" Hey Val whatcha doing up so early?" I point at the clock with 5 seconds of summers guys faces plastered on it, reading 1:13 pm.

Her mouth forms the shape O " I need help with something. Only you can help with !" I say whilst smirking.

" I am intrigued do tell!"She says with a creepy smile! I shiver, man sometimes I forget how scary she is.

" I need you to help me humiliate Elijah and miss popular aka Georgia!" Her eyebrows crease and her mouth makes a small frown.

" I like the Georgia part but why Elijah what did he do to you, I will chop of baby maker and shove it down his throat!" she says her eyes glistening with malice!

I flinch a bit then tell her what happened causing me to cry all over again my tears almost burning my deathly pale face damn I didn't want anyone to see me break down.

Then I mentioned what happened between me and Damian, of which she replied with a high pitched squeal then a aww afterward. I raise my eyebrow up at her.

Kat and Emilia walk in, Emilia armed with a spoon and Kat with hand cuffs. When she sees me and Emily are alright Emily wiggles her eyebrows at Kat.

I shake my head at my friends and smirk man I have great/perverted friends! " One seriously a spoon and second why do you have hand cuffs Kat?!" She just replies with a shrug ... okaayy.

Emilia says agitated " What were you fan hurling about this time and I swear to god if it's about the word C.A.L.M

You are DEAD to me DEAD!"

" Come on it was one time and no it was about ...." OMG if I have to explain the story one more time my head will explode and then rain blood explosives! Of which Emily and Emilia shall scream ' FLY MY MINIONS...FLY!'

" Anyway coming away from my love life what should we do for a prank" We all look over to Emily and bow down.

"Oh goddess of perverted and humiliating pranks share your wisdom!" Of which was one word "PAINTBALL!!!" Then she lets a evil filled laugh.

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