💔Chapter: 2💔

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{Bonnie's POV}

We entered inside the cafe and got in line to take our orders, but Spring said he's not in the mood for coffee or bake goods. So I'm ordering myself iced coffee with a chocolate croissant while Spring finds some seats for us. After I got my order I walked to our seats, sat in front of him and started having a conversation with Spring.

"So what's new at VIXX inc.?"

Spring shrugged.

"Well I'm working on a project to make robotic parts for people who fought in a war and lost a body part."

Bonnie sipped some of his coffee.

"Hmm that's cool. Anything else you're working on?"

Spring thought a little.

"Oh I'm now working on a artificial heart for people with heart problems like a weak heart."

"Huh that sounds neat. Helping people with heart conditions."

Then I took a bite of my croissant.

Spring nodded slightly.

"Yeah and there's something important that I want to address you."

I raised a brow.

"Which is that you're...?"

"I found out I had a weak heart after Golden's funeral."

I stopped taking bites on my pastry.

"Oh my god then you should've called me that you're in pain then I would've help you-"

"No no no I already took care of that."

"Okay how?"

I'm starting to worry for Spring and his health.

"I figured that I get surgery for a new heart and I did."

"Okay that's sounds fine. Who's the donator?"

"My own creation."

Okay now jaw dropped.

"What? You know you're using your heart and it's still a prototype of it."

"Yes but nothing horrible happened I'm fine."

Now a question buzzed in my mind.

"What else did you invent at VIXX?"

"Uh some cybernetic eyes to help blink people to get their eye sight back-"

"Wait let me guess you went blind didn't you?"

Spring scratched the back of his neck.

"Well no but I just felt like getting eye surgery for myself."

I huffed out from all of Spring's new "upgrade".

"I starting to think you're doing all of this to make yourself feel better after Golden's death, isn't it?"

Spring went silent for a moment then nodded a yes.

"Guess this is a new level of harming yourself from depression."

He sighed out. "I'm sorry that I'm doing this to myself but it's my way to make myself feel better."

"I understand your reason big brother but you should've called any of us to help you."

{Spring's POV}

I'm think maybe Bonnie and I should leave the cafe and go somewhere else. You're wondering about my surgeries yes I've been replacing my body parts and my organs with my creations like my cybernetic eyes and my artificial heart. So far so good that my blood still pumping so nothing terrible happened. But I'm only doing this to myself because Bonnie's right, this is like another level of self harming from depression. Depression I've been going through after "his" death.

I'm sure you had that feeling when you lost someone you're close with or who broke up with you as a couple, you always feel like you're not functioning correctly without them. You feel like you're a broken down piece of machinery. Ironically I'm technically a machine now.

"So are you disappointed that I'm "upgrading" myself now?"

I asked Bonnie. Then waited for his answer.

"Well... I know you're going through a tough timing but maybe you should stop "upgrading" yourself and probably focusing on something else." He suggested.

"But you know I can't move on, I truly loved him."

"Then maybe make something to forget about him or something to remember the good times with him."

Then an idea popped in my head. What if using my intelligence of engineering and programming to create my lost love. I know sounds creepy but I'm desperate damn it!

"You know what? I'll try stop upgrading myself."

Bonnie blinked a few times from confusion.

"Did I just convinced you to try stopping you from hurting yourself?"

"Yes. Yes you did."

I lied and fake smile at him to convince him. Again I'm now desperate to make Golden again.

"Great, but I should go because I promised Freddy to help him with a project for college. See ya later Sebastian!"

He left with his coffee and his pastry. Now all I need to do is start working on Goldie. Also don't tell anyone in anyway about my real name people. Only my family and loved ones can say my real name. Got it? Good.


(A/N): Sounds like Spring is going to need a lot of materials to build his beloved Goldie Locks up.

💛Goldentrap: Artificial Love💛 (Discontinued: For now.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang