💔Chapter 9 + Headcannons💔

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[(A/N): I thought I would do some headcanons about Sebastian Trapps and Gavin Fazbear. There's only a few so if you guys have any ideas about the Golden couple please leave some comments.]

[Pre-Goldie's death]

- Goldie and Spring's first date was at a French fusion restaurant.

- Goldie knows Spring is a tough guy but very sensitive on the inside of the young robotics engineer.

- Spring prefers bittersweet desserts while Goldie prefers really sweet desserts. Sweet enough you'll hate seeing a cupcake taunting at you.

- Goldie used to have Automatonophobia because when he was a little kid, an animatronic broken down in front of him in a horrifying fashion and scared him.

[Post Goldie's death]

- Goldie would ask many questions about his family and friends which Spring have regret bringing his boyfriend back but still loves the annoying goldilocks.

- Goldie found out Spring can speak different languages because of business purposes in VIXX Inc.

- Spring's only reason he grew out his hair because no time for haircuts when working on projects and his depression from Goldie's death. Plus his fear of cutting his hair.

- Spring would have night terrors of his boyfriend's death in the middle of the night.

[(A/N): Okay that's it for today's headcanons. Now off to the real chapter.]


[Tuesday 8:03 am]

{Spring's POV}

Back in my lab, I was filling out some files for new android models, when my phone started ringing to the ringtone of Hogoblin by CLC, indicating my younger brother Clyde Trapps is calling me. I didn't choose the ringtone for him, one time when I was visiting my brothers and without paying attention, Clyde hacked in and changed everyone's ringtone. I swear he hangs out too much with his K-pop friends. Too. Much. I feel empathy for Red as Clyde's boyfriend but I know he wouldn't break his purely innocent heart. If he did, I won't hesitate. Picking up the call and putting it on speaker so I'll multitask my work while speaking to the blue haired sibling. "Hiya big bro!" Clyde cheerily bombarded me with his bright, high spirited attitude. "Hi Clyde, how are you?" I asked when sorting out my finished papers and pulls out some instruments for repairing circuits because my left cybernetic arm tingles but not as a good sign. "I'm doing great Spring! Also congrats!" Congrats? For what? "Uh thanks? I'm so proud of...why are you congratulating me?" I was dumbfounded and puzzled from Clyde congratulating me. What achievement did I accomplish?

"For finding love again big bro!" Oh sh#t. "Pardon?" I was baffled, almost ripping off a muscle of my remaining flesh on my arm. "Yeah, you didn't know? Brandon's girl friend but not girlfriend Allison saw you with a guy. I knew you would find happiness again!" I felt my artificial heart sink into the pit of my stomach as I tried not to cut the arteries and wiring connected to my heart from sudden fear. Because if you took AP Bio classes, you know the left side of your anatomy is where the heart is and mostly connected to your left. "U-U-Uh yeah I would but does anyone else know about this?" I asked, trying not to sound worried about the secret of bringing my boyfriend back from the dead. "Only Brian, Shay (Shadow Bonnie), Parker (Plushtrap) and Goldie's brothers. I'm so happy you're not alone anymore! Say maybe you could bring your boyfriend over for the weekend? Just to get to know him more." I can tell Clyde was eager to meet my "new boyfriend." Without carefully thinking of my decision, I blurred out, "Yeah sure you can." I expressed falsely. "Awesome! See you on Saturday." Then Clyde hangs up the call. What have I done?

[Time Skip back home to Goldie]

"You did what?" Goldie exclaimed, sitting on the couch as I paced around the living area. "I stupidly told Clyde I would bring you along when visiting my brothers." I sat next to Goldie trying to trying to figure out how to bring my "new boyfriend" to the others without suspicion. "Can you excuse them I can't be there?" I nodded. "You know Clyde will get desperate if I keep using that excuse for every visit. Remember when he had a crush on your brother Red? He was so desperate to claim him as his lover." Goldie frowned, displeased from the time Red almost got a restraining order on Clyde but somehow they worked out and now they're a couple.

"Any other bright ideas?" Goldie asked again. My brain processed for a moment and a solution popped up. The disguises for our first date in three years. "The clothes." Goldie's brow rose up and watched me run off to retrieve his clothes. Then came back holding them in my arms. "This would work. If you're in a disguise they won't recognize you. Only thing is try acting different around everybody."

Goldie shot up and looked at me. "Spring, you're a genius." He hugs me and hoist me up in the air as I yelped from the unexpected. "Goldie!" I laughed as he lowered me back down on my feet. "Still, you have to pretend and act like you never met them or we're screwed."

[Time Skip to the Trapps' resident]

At the time Goldie and I were in front of the entrance, I helped fixing Goldie's disguise. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt, a pair black jeans and a jean jacket with a baseball cap. He was also wearing some Jordans and a brunette wig to hide his beautiful golden blonde hair with a set of brown contact lenses to conceal his navy blue eyes while wearing a face mask to "indicate" he's under the weather but really to shield his facial features from anyone recognizing him. F#ck me for making him realistic.

[(A/N): It's common to wear a face mask in Asia to prevent spreading the bacteria to anyone from getting sick.]

While fixing Goldie's shirt, his artificial heart paced in a increased pattern, every rhythm with a skip. "Are you nervous?" I asked while fixing his cap. He nodded to answer my question. "Don't be nervous, when we get inside seeing everyone we'll get get over it. We can do this." Now both of us are facing the door, I reached to ring the door bell and pressed once to the button with my right index finger.

Waiting for anyone to answer I looked back at Goldie. Then repeated, "We can do this." To encourage him. Then inside the house, feet running up to answer the door. "I got it!" Then the door swings open revealing Clyde Trapps, the younger brother of the Trapp family wearing a Monsta X shirt and blue jeggings.

"Spring, you're here! And you brought your boyfriend over!" Clyde excitedly yelled out for everyone in the house to hear.

'We can't do this.' Both me and Goldie mentally doubted in unison.


[(A/N): ........Blame lack of motivation and procrastination for me not taking my time to complete this chapter.]

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