🔪BONUS CHAPTER: (Jeff moment)🔪

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(A/n: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait...I've been busy the past few days...weeks because of school...so I'll be writing a bonus chapter of you and Jeff for fun~)

WARNING⚠ OOC Jeff. Sorry if this story doesn't match his supposed real personality. This is a bonus chapter and does not affect the real story.

P.S. Hello to Filipinos out there! XD


"Anak ng puta. Ang hirap, puta. Wala na ayaw ko na. Suko na ako. -_-." (Son of a bitch. Its so hard, fuck. Nope, I don't want anymore. I give up.)

"What the fuck are you rambling about at this hour!?" Jeff suddenly appeared out of the blue.

"Oh Jeff...I kinda learned how to speak in 'Tagalog' back at the asylum. I overhead some nurses talking in Tagalog so I may have picked up their language and accent--"

"I asked what the fuck were you rambling about...not tell me a story of how you learned a stupid different language.." He stated coldly.

I glared at him and scoffed. Tch...sungit naman nito (he's so mean).

"Aw that's okay (Nickname)~"

Shut up.

"I was practicing my knife throwing but I keep hitting something else rather than the target." I crossed my arms as I avoided his gaze

Jeff started laughing at me. HE LAUGHED AT ME. Sheesh...

He came closer to me with a smirk on his face. "C'mon...It couldn't be that bad."

"See for yourself." I pointed to the direction I was aiming my knives. He turned his head slowly, all the while, he released a harder laugh, my whole face turned red from embarrassment.

"How can you be a killer if you can't even hit a target that's just a few feet away from you?!" He said in between laughs.

I glared and crossed my arms. He wasn't kidding though, I didn't even hit somewhere near the target, in fact I keep hitting the trunk of the tree or it landed somewhere else, and to make it worst--it was just a couple of feet away from me! I'm sure others would have hit a target that close...

He was still laughing so I decided to throw one last knife. When I did, well, it landed just 3 meters in front of me.

"Hahahaha! You are pathetic! To think that you became a proxy if you can't even perfect knife throwing!" Jeff laughed harder at my failed attempt.

"Well it's not my fault throwing knives isn't my thing! I tend to just rip someone's head off instead of using dumb old knives!" I dropped the knives remaining and stomped away like an angry child. The smiling killer's laughter fading as I walked further. Right when the mansion was in sight, a knife was thrown at the tree right beside me, I quickly spun around and saw Jeff with his signature smirk.

"What are you up to now, smiley?"

His smirk disappeared and was replaced with a scowl. "Don't call me that." He growled.

"Oh why not? Smiley..." I smirked. I was pushing my limits to see how far this'll go.

He growled louder but stopped and smirked, what's he up to? "Okay then, kitty..."

My eyes widened and I quickly tackled him to the ground, my hands wrapped around his neck. "Don't call me kitty!"

"Alright alright." He choked out and I loosened my grip on his neck. But to my surprise, he switched our places, he was on top of me, a knife pointed at my throat. "Kitty..." He smirked. (Eh? Eh? Anyone got the reference?? X3)

I growled and I felt my veins grow, but my scowling face was quickly replaced with a tomato red one. I just noticed the position we were in. His lips was a few inches away from mine, his right knee was right below my...uhm...erm...lower 'region'. "Get off me..." my voice squeaked in which I mentally facepalmed.

His eyes also widened at our position but he didn't move. His move surprised me, he leaned closer to my ear and whispered "Why? I know you like it..." I can feel his hot breath tickle my ear which sent shivers up my spine. I opened my mouth to say something but I was silenced when a warm wet muscle glide right below my earlobe.

"Did you just lick me?!" My face turned redder if its possible.

"Maybe, maybe not." Was his smart reply.

I gathered all my strength and pushed him off me. "Hentai!"

"Oh? Speaking Japanese now are we?" He smirked at me. Oh how I want to punch that smirk off his face, but I gotta keep my temper in control...

Breath in...breath out...breath in...breath out...

"Your cute when you're flustered." That's it. I spun around ready to punch him but he was too quick and grabbed my wrist.

"That was too predictable..." He yawned. I used my other arm but again he grabbed it. "Is that all you got?" He smirked again. I used my left leg to kick him, but he blocked it with his right leg, then as quickly as possible I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned and let go of my wrists.

It was my time to smirk. "Didn't expect that did you?" I flipped my hair and sashayed away, hips swaying and all. (Don't judge...you are fab! 😋)


Third person's POV~

After (Name) left, Jeff is still on the ground, with his smile wider than ever. "Oh (Name), what are you doing to me? You make feel weird yet it feels good." Jeff chuckled and stoop up. He pictured (Name)'s face, she looks so cute when she's flustered. And hot when she's mad. Yet all-in-all she's beautiful. Not only that, but she's such an independent woman. He started walking back to the mansion, still thinking of the events that occured. Once he entered, he immediately saw (Name) laughing, sitting on the couch with Ben and Sally. Her smile is wonderful, despite the hole in her head, she looks perfect. Jeff smiled to himself and made his way to his room. After all the people he had killed, he never thought that (Name) can make him feel this way, but he wasn't denying it, in fact, he's enjoying it, for the first time in his life, he felt joy for a different reason, he didn't feel happiness because of the screams and blood, but because (Name) was able to make him...love again. Oh (Name), only you can make me feel this way.


A/N: The next chapter should be out soon. Again, I apologize for the slow update.


Patient 16 (Creepypastas x mentally ill! Killer! reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now