(1) Escape

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Another day in this white hell hole. White walls, white floor, white bed, white clothes. Everywhere is white, just like that fateful day. Nothing new, not even the food they give is new.

"It's because you're a monster.~"

"Shut up!"

These voices, they were responsible for this, they made me do it, but they don't believe me, the people don't, but it was them. They made me kill.

[F l a s h b a c k]

It was a cold winter evening, snow is everywhere, the trees, the ground, the roofs, everywhere. It's so white.

"Why don't we paint it red?~"

"No that's a bad idea."

Passerbys gave me weird looks as it seems that I was talking to myself.

"They're judging you.~" I dropped to my knees and held my hand around my head. "Cut their ears so they won't judge by what they hear. Rip out their eyes so they won't bee judging by the looks.~."

"Shut the hell up!" I screamed loudly and started to bump my head on the nearest wall. The people passing me didn't even bother to help me, they just avoided me as possible, whispering gibberish like 'mentally escaped'.

"You know they're right. Kill them~"

I can't take it. I have to make this voice stop! And there is only one thing to do.

"That's it (Name). Paint the town red~."

"Yes I will."


I looked at the horrifying sight in front of me, six bodies are laying in a pool of blood, three men, and three women. Their eyes were gauged out, intestines were popped out, tongues, fingers, ears, and their heads were disconnected. I looked at my bloody hands, I did...this, with just my hands. I dropped down and cradled myself.

"W-what have I done?" I cried.

"You did the right thing (Name)~."

"No I didn't!"

"You killed them.~"

"No! Shut up!"

Flashes of red and blue appeared my field of vision, police came running at me, guns in their hands. "On your knees and put your hands behind your head!"

"I'll be gone for a while (Name)~."

I placed my hands behind my head and carefully kneeled down. A police officer came at me and handcuffed me. "Bring her in for questioning."


"Why did you kill them?"

"They deserved it." Those three words was the only answer I keep giving them for the past hour.


"They deserved it."

"Ma'am please cooperate with us."

Patient 16 (Creepypastas x mentally ill! Killer! reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now