(6) A wolf in a sheep's clothing

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This chapter may be a little confusing, for in this part; you will know more as to why you, also known as Patient 16 in this realm, has this odd behavoir. And I will now be reducing the maximum words I write in a chapter since I noticed that each chapter is too long lololol.



"What? No! Of course not, they won't be bringing you down there don't worry..." Although her facade is calm and convincing, I can tell she's lying. I have learned to read emotions very well since I've been taken here, its just a skill I guess, also a skill I inherited from my mother.


"You're lying, Lisa..." I said as I looked into her blue orbs. "Please tell me; what do they do to patients taken down there?" I pleaded, my eyes giving a hint of curiosity.


They do bad things~

You will be taken there~"

"I told you, you don't have to worry about it, its just higher... medications." She said.

"Piercing medications~

Not therapeutic~


They will kill you~

Kill them first~" I tried my best to ignore the voices, but every lie she says makes the voices grow louder.

I raised my eyebrows. "You hesitated. Tell me the truth, Lisa..." I breathed in. "What do they do to the patients?" I repeated. Yes, I'm persistent, I need to know the answer, the...voices tell me otherwise. I MUST know the answer in order to shut them up.

"Okay then (Name), lets go back to our therapy..."

"Stop dodging my questions! Answer them, Lisa!" By now, I'm fuming, I have this anger inside me that I can't seem to control, and it is fueled by the curiosity. "Answer me!" I shouted. Suddenly, my head started pounding rather strongly as everything spinned, the edge of my visions started to darken and appear distorted, almost as if I'm in a...movie. An old movie.

I vigorously shook my head as Lisa's figure started to shift softly. One by one, bits of her started to change...slowly shifted to the last person I'd wanna see; (Bitch's name), my former 'best friend'...my victim.

~(Bitch's name). I growled loudly making the sound bounce off every corner, and there is no doubt that if a person is standing right outside this room, they would have heard it.

"What are you still doing here?" (Bitch's name)'s figure spoke, her voice somewhat echoing yet still gives off a taunting sound. "Haven't you learned where your place is, freak?" She crossed her arms and scoffed like what every spoiled brat does. "Oh right, its because you have no place here." She smirked at me as I glared hard into her eyes. "You know, it is actually better for you to go rot in a hole..." She snarled with her smirk growing wider.

No. I won't be affected. No...no...no.

"HOW ABOUT YOU DIE!" I pounced at her, scratching her face and pulling at her hair. By this point, I have no control over my body, I see it happening, but I can't do anything about it, but as far as I know. I want this. I want to see her suffering over and over again. It brings me joy and satisfaction. The rainbow to my storm. And that is what I'll do.

Patient 16 (Creepypastas x mentally ill! Killer! reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now