Chapter 4- Sweet Home Alabama

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Frank's first morning of lessons passed in a blur. Chemistry, Maths, French. They didn't really do much work, mostly did the usual 'first day of school' stuff, like handing out textbooks and whatnot. The most exciting moment was in Maths when a boy Mikey said was called Pete Wentz (the boy wearing eyeliner that Mikey had smiled at on the bus) had the class in hysterics behind Mr Harris' back as he threw scrunched-up paper at his bald, shiny head, while he sang the Peppa Pig theme tune. Pete got detention and the whole class got a ton of homework, probably as punishment.

Frank left the classroom with Mikey as the class stampeded out to lunch. They met up with Ray and the three of them joined the line trailing outside the dining hall. While Ray and Mikey talked animatedly about some new meme, Frank took the time to evaluate his first morning. His new form tutor seemed alright, and so did his Chemistry teacher. Mr Harris was a jerk, but most maths teachers were, plus, he was bound to have at least one evil teacher. French was excruciatingly dull, but it had been at his old school too. Frank hated French. But, he conceded, he had learned quite a lot in that lesson, more than he would have from his old French teacher, who used to roll up to class 10 minutes late and still drunk, hand them all an illegally photocopied worksheet, then sit at his desk all lesson watching softcore porn and smoking cigarettes out of the window.


Eventually, the trio collected trays of lasagne, chips, and peas, and sat down together to eat. Mikey suggested that, if they were going to be friends, they should tell each other a bit about themselves (Frank felt a sparkle of joy, Ray and Mikey wanted to be his friends! He had always been quite lonely at his old school, it felt good to have some companionship). At first, Frank listened rather than talked, while he ate his way through his vegetarian lasagne. He was starving, and the food here was substantially better than the food at Verity Bridge. He learnt that Ray and Mikey loved rock music, like Iron Maiden and Misfits. Mikey had a dog named Bella that he loved, but Ray had no pets ("I'm allergic. But I've got Mikey," he said, "and he's close enough to an animal for me, thanks. At least his hair doesn't make me sneeze"). They both liked video games, but, while Mikey liked console games, Ray preferred PC gaming. Mikey was a self-professed "meme lord", and Ray liked watching YouTube. Ray had learnt guitar from his dad, while Mikey was teaching himself bass. Mikey seemed to enjoy talking about himself, but Ray cut across him, "Ok, that's enough, Mikes, you diva, let the poor guy talk. Quick, Frank, get in while he's quiet, it doesn't happen often"

"Erm, well, ok..." Frank stuttered. He preferred listening to Mikey, he now felt like all eyes were on him. "Well, I like Misfits and Iron Maiden too, and... and I like video games; PC and console. I'm a vegetarian. (Mikey put his hand on his heart, sighed, and said, "My heart agrees with you. But my stomach can't." and proceeded to exaggeratedly chew his lasagne, until Ray punched him, "Don't be dick, man" he said exasperatedly.) Also I've got 2 dogs, I really love dogs." He paused, and immediately Mikey begged for details about the dogs. "Erm, one's called Daisy, she's a golden retriever, and the other's a little terrier called Houdini. They're super cute, I'll show you a photo on my phone after school."

After that, Ray asked if he played any instruments; Frank gladly answered. He was beginning to enjoy talking about himself. "Yeah, yeah I do" he replied, "I play guitar, I'm not that good, but I'm alright"

Mikey looked up from his chips, "Can you play Sweet Home Alabama?" he asked.

Frank was a little surprised, and thought this was very specific, but answered anyway, "Erm, I don't know it now, but I guess I probably could play it. Why?"

Mikey just laughed and said, "Then you're better than Gerard. He tried to learn guitar in Year 9, probably thought it would help him get more groupies, but he was so crappy, he couldn't even play Sweet Home Alabama." The three of them fell about laughing.

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