Chapter 9- Chips And Bullies

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Another super long chapter. Enjoy!

Frank pushed open the door of Freddie's Fish and Chips, laughing with Ray and Mikey, having almost been annihilated by a lorry moments before while attempting to cross the road.

"Well, I guess we know Ryan's greatest weakness now." Frank said.

"Nah mate, we all knew that," Mikey shook his head, "Ryan's always on some fad diet thing, and Brendon usually manages to bring him round. Honestly, without Brendon, Ryan would probably be dead from salad overdose"

"So, Frank," Ray looked away from the menu in the small, greasy chip shop, "Did you enjoy the meeting?"

"Hell yeah! I was so scared at the end though, I was sure no one would vote for me."

"I get you, man." Mikey said, "I smashed 3 glasses the first time I came, like 2 years ago, which, by the way, is why Ryan has officially been asked by the local A&E not to use glass at the meetings. Patrick got some stuck in his foot and Ryan and Brendon had to carry him out of the window to A&E so we wouldn't get in trouble. Anyway, I was sure everyone hated me, especially Ryan, but he just said I had character!"

Mikey sauntered up to the counter to order, "Hey, Derek, how's the wife?"

A 30-something year old man wearing a chequered apron grinned at Mikey, "Still pregnant. She's pretty moody too, bored of being stuck as home. Well, anyway, what can I get you, lads?"

"3 fish and chips. Oh, wait, no. Frank, you don't eat fish, do you? 2 fish and chips, one bag of chips."

Mikey continued talking to Derek, whose wife was apparently a few weeks away from giving birth, and, from what Frank could gather, was pretty desperate to get the damn kid out. He imagined he'd feel the same way, if he were pregnant.

As they left the shop holding their paper bags of salty chips, Frank asked a question he'd been puzzling over in the shop,

"If the owner's name is Derek, why is the shop called Freddie's Fish and Chips?"

Mikey was already eating his chips, but mumbled an answer, "Alliteration, innit? Sounds better. Derek's Fish and Chips doesn't look that great on a sign, or so he says."


The trio sat at the foot of a large stone statue of a man on a horse in the local park to eat. Mikey was explaining his theories about Ryan and Brendon being perfect for each other, when they heard some sickeningly familiar idiotic voices.

"So, this twat thinks he's some kinda hard man, so I'm like, 'come and have a go then, if you-...'"

Mikey pretended to gag into his chips. Ray sighed, "Oh crap. Gerard. Oooh, and it sounds like he's brought the whole crew along. What fun!"

"See, Frank," Mikey was attempting to creep into the bushes and hide, "This is why I said we should go to KFC. Gerard hates it there because the food damages his chiselled bod or something, I'm not sure what exactly he said. Most of what he says sounds like 'Mmmm, I'm Gerard, I'm so cool and popular and I'm so self-centred, I like to wank off to my own reflection'"

"Oi, lads! Look, it's the fags!"

One of Gerard's friends was pointing at them and yelling. The whole crowd swivelled round to look at them, and they started laughing. Immediately, the group swarmed them, grabbing their arms and shoving them around. A huge guy who looked like he was a crossbreed of a human and a rhino pushed Mikey onto the floor, "Look, Gerard, it's your nerdy Gaylord brother! He's so skinny, I bet I could pick him up!"

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