Chapter 8- Dumbledore's Army

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Hi guys! (All 3 of you) Not posted on this story in a while, but this is like the longest chapter ever, so that makes up for it. Enjoy! 

Mikey Way is online

Frank: hey Mikey

Mikey: what is troubling u my smol friend

Frank: about what happened in PE today, I really appreciate you standing up for me like that

Mikey: np dude. That's what friends are for

Mikey: I mean if ur friend wont roast his brother in front of two whole year groups for you is he rlly ur friend tho?

Frank: lol

Frank: but seriously. Thanks

Mikey: ur welcs. I guess I just gotta be extra nice to make up for my dbag brother

Frank: don't worry you're absolutely nicer than Gerard (but that's not exactly difficult is it if even a nerd loser like you can do it)

Mikey: u saw me w Gerard u know what a savage I am do u want me to roast u too

Frank: I surrender please don't hurt me with your roasting power


The following day, Frank stood waiting in the entrance of the local community centre clutching a large bag of Doritos and a plastic tub of dip. He was the only one there, and felt itchingly awkward. When he walked in, the receptionist had glanced at his Doritos and said, "Ahh, you'll be here for Dumbledore's Army. I always found it a little odd that they insist on people bringing food to enter, but I suppose teenagers are always hungry."

Frank was saved from the small talk with the receptionist by the arrival of Ray and Mikey, Ray with a gigantic bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk, Mikey with a sleeve of his favourite Maryland cookies. Ray and Mikey led him down a white-painted corridor towards a door that had a sheet of paper with 'Room Of Requirement' scrawled in sharpie taped to it. Ray knocked on the door, and a face appeared at the glass insert, "Who is it? What's the password?"

"Jesus Christ, Pete, do you have to do this every time? You can literally see me."

"Yeah" said Pete. "But who's that other guy? Can't be too careful..." he eyed Frank suspiciously.

Ray glared at Mikey, "How do you not know? I told Mikey to text you to say Frank was coming. You did text Pete like I asked, didn't you Mikey? " Mikey looked sheepish, and said nothing. "Ohmygod dude, you had one job! Why are you like this?"

Mikey looked annoyed, "I forgot, ok? Anyway, Pete, this is Frank, he's new at school, you've probably seen him around, but anyway, we figured he'd enjoy this, soooo.... Can we come in?"

Pete nodded, "Have y'all nerds got food? You know the rules. No food, no entry."

In response, the three of them indicated their chosen snacks. Pete made a face like he was about to let them in, then grinned and said again, "What's the password?"

Ray rolled his eyes, Frank sighed. Mikey, however, was sick of Pete, "the password is 'Pete Is A Bellend', now move!" he said sarcastically, and shoved the door open. As he marched into the room, amid gales of laughter from the other DA members, who had clearly heard the whole performance, Frank saw Pete lying on the floor amidst the wreckage of a chair.

Mikey laughed, "Sorry, Pete, I forgot you were too short to see through the glass in the door!"

"It's a tall door!" Pete whined, pouting.

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