Chapter 5- Gay Clan

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"So, do we have a pretty thorough grounding in all things Frank now?"

"Well, there's one more thing..." Frank hesitated, wondering whether he could tell them. He reasoned with himself that he would have to do it eventually, so he should probably get it over with. Plus, if they decided to ditch him, it would be best for it to happen now, while he could still get new friends using the whole 'new kid' novelty that teenagers seemed to love. He steeled himself, took a deep breath, and said it, "I'm gay."

He had expected a reaction. Maybe shock, possibly the sickly-sweet acceptance that adults usually feigned to spare his feelings, or open disgust and hate like the Verity Bridge homophobes. What he had not expected was for Mikey to cackle with laughter, then look at him and say, "Me too, mate. Me too. Well, technically I'm bi. But Ray's gay. Welcome to our little gay clan". Ray, who had stayed silent so far, piped up, "What he means is, we totally accept you. I mean, we'd be hypocrites not to, being queer ourselves. And before you say anything, yes I know Ray and gay rhyme, Mikey has pointed that out to me on many occasions." Then he leaned in, and the conversation changed tone, "but, seriously, I'm not sure what the rest of the school thinks about queer people, and I can't guarantee their reaction. Me and Mikey prefer not to tell anyone, but it's your choice about who you come out to. However, I must warn you that many people, especially Gerard Way and his cronies, might be quite vocal on the matter, and not in a good way. And, in the case of Mister Way, I worry they might be physical about the matter as well, so just... keep yourself safe" Ray ended his foreboding warning with a protective smile, then said, "but, on the brighter side, there's this great GSA in town at the weekends. Me and Mikey go whenever we can, and I'm sure you'd love it. Oi, Mikes, you at the DA on Saturday?"

"Yeah, yeah-" replied Mikey, "Omg, we should totally take Frank!"

"My thoughts exactly. Chips afterwards, or KFC?" Ray said, then, turning to Frank, Mikey added, "we call it the DA at school when we talk about it, in case someone overhears. You know, like Dumbledore's Army in Harry Potter?" Frank grinned. He loved Harry Potter. "Because everyone knows there was more than a boggart in Dumbledore's closet, if you know what I mean..." Mikey wiggled his eyebrows so they were hidden beneath his copious fringe.

"I reckon, since he's never been, Frank should choose where we go for food after" Ray said matter-of-factly. Mikey nodded in agreement, "So, which would you prefer, Frank, chippy or chicken?" Frank disliked having the burden of choice placed on him, but since he could see Mikey mouthing 'chicken, chicken, chicken', he deliberately said, smirking, "Chippy. Hard luck, Mikey"

The trio finished their food, and left the dining hall. The main hall was crowded, but since it was September, and was slightly chilly, the yard was empty. The three boys didn't mind the cold breeze, so they sat on a bench and talked until the bell rang, and the yard became flush with talking people.

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