Chapter 7- Nice Ass

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The next 3 days passed without significant event. Frank got up, went to school, hung out with Ray and Mikey, came home, did homework, screwed about on the internet, and went to bed. It was only on Friday that something actually happened. Some of Gerard's friends had been jerks to him, but they did that to everyone, so Frank brushed it off. However, he had a feeling Gerard himself was above such petty bullying, and saved his effort for special individuals. He had no idea why, but he seemed to be the new target.

First lesson on Friday, he had PE. He disliked PE, but he was trying to make the best of it. It was drizzling slightly, and as he trudged into the dingy boys changing room, he discovered that, while his mum had bought all his uniform too big, his PE kit was far too small. After quickly evaluating which of the stalls was least likely to give him an STD just by going in there, he ducked into a toilet cubicle to get changed. Mikey hooted with laughter when he saw Frank's kit, Frank responded with the two most eloquent fingers of his hand. Mikey couldn't say anything, his kit looked like he had been draped in a tent (Frank guessed it was difficult to find clothing to fit someone who was as ridiculously tall and skinny as Mikey).

As they trudged out onto the damp AstroTurf, Frank noticed Year 11 doing PE on the other half of the pitch as well. He spotted Ray's fro amongst them and spent most of the game trying to catch his eye. Frank kicked the ball over the fence twice. He laughed about it, until he saw Gerard looking him up and down and smirking. He immediately felt very conscious of his tight PE kit, but tried very hard to block out the older boy and focus on the game (He had been hit in the stomach with a football three times so far, and wasn't taking any chances).

"Oi, new boy!" came a shout from behind him.

Mikey leaned over to him and hissed in his ear, "A wild Gerard in its natural habitat readies itself for attack on a docile nerd. Brace yourself."

"Hey, Iero! Nice arse! Fancy coming over to my place tonight?"

Frank whipped around, and saw Gerard looking at him, grinning and laughing, while his friends wolf whistled and performed obscene movements (crotch thrusting featured heavily). Ray had edged over to the two younger boys and was whispering, "Ignore him, ignore him, he'll get bored eventually, just don't get involved, they're trying to get a rise out of you", while Mikey was shooting a tirade of insults and language that could drop grown men to their knees at 30 paces, accompanied with various actions and hand gestures, at his older brother. Frank caught some of these insults, and he had to say, Mikey improvised well in a crisis, "Hey, Gerard, is the reason you're good at throwing rugby balls because you're such a tosser? Is all the blood getting stuck in your stupid £@? $&* biceps instead of your brain, cause I'm surprised you find your way to the mother! £%&: ing sports field without signposts! Does being a dick to everyone make you feel better about how much of a @£$! ing wanker you are?" This continued for some time.

Frank noticed most of the focus was on Mikey, who had kept up a flow of incredibly creative insults for several minutes now, and used the diversion to talk to Ray.

"How in hell does he know?"

Ray thought for a second, then said, "I doubt he does. You know what those idiots are like, they'll accuse anything of being gay if it sits still long enough. They think it's some kind of terrible insult. Like I said, ignore them, they'll get bored. I assume they singled you out because you're new; once the novelty wears off they'll find someone new to pick on"

Frank sighed in relief. He only just got here, he didn't want any trouble. Although Ray's analysis of the situation had soothed him immensely, there was still a nagging part of his brain, squealing, 'but what if they know?' Mikey had continued his insults throughout their conversation, and Frank began to laugh at Mikey telling his brother to "£$%& himself up his sweaty muscled arsehole with a dildo made of spikes like the £@$%ing £$%& he is". 

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