Chapter 10- The Fallout

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"So, why the hell are you kissing Gerard?" Mikey asked indignantly. "This is the asshole that's made my life a misery since literally the day I was expelled from the womb. Why are you two making out?"

The three of them were once again alone at the foot of the statue, Gerard and his friends had left. Frank sighed. He had just wanted to stick it to Gerard, but his friends looked furious. He took a deep breath, and explained;

"It was just a crazy idea. He was being so awful that I just wanted to get my own back."

Mikey was still unconvinced, "I'm still not making the leap between 'getting revenge on Gerard' and 'exploring Gerard's tongue'. Ewwww, just saying that feels gross!"

"It's hard to explain," Frank said quietly, "I wanted to shock him, by doing something that would hurt. And, I mean, I could have punched him or something, but look at him, and then look at me. He could break my arms easily, plus, if I did manage to punch him, that's just physical pain, the simplest level of pain, and he'd know how to respond to it, namely, by punching me back. But a kiss isn't violent, so he has no idea what to do. He was acting so homophobic that I wanted to really piss him off on a deeper level. Plus, he acted so grossed out by me, and you lot, being gay, so I just wanted to plant some doubt in his mind, like, wondering if he actually enjoyed kissing a boy. And, that's all I can say, I guess. I'm sorry guys."

He hadn't been able to bring himself to look at Ray and Mikey while he was talking, but they seemed furious. He had meant for it to be a private fight between him and Gerard, and to shock him, which is why he didn't want anyone to see. And he really didn't want to screw up his friendship with Ray and Mikey. When he finally looked up, Ray's expression had softened, and he said, "Its ok, Frank. In fact, I'm a little annoyed I didn't think of kissing him myself. It was a bit sociopathic, but clever nonetheless."

Mikey still looked mutinous, and he rolled his eyes, "Well, I guess it's all better now. You know, Frank, I thought you were alright. Guess I was wrong."

Then he stood up and walked away. Frank shouted after him, but Mikey didn't turn around. Frank felt a lump in his throat. He had ruined everything. He had finally made a real friend and now it was ruined.

Ray put his arm around Frank, "Don't worry. He'll come around."

Thank god for Ray; logical, level-headed Ray. Frank tried to smile, but it was more of a grimace. He appreciated Ray trying to make him feel better, but he doubted Mikey would come around.

After all, he'd ruined everything.


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