Chapter 11- Mikey and Frank

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It was Monday morning, the first time Frank would see Gerard after the kiss. He and Ray had planned to avoid Gerard and his friends, and if they did run into then, to just ignore them. Mikey was still not speaking to them, which Frank was trying not to be upset about.

Frank got to school, and met Ray. They talked for a while, but without the other third of the group, the conversation was missing something (knowing Mikey, dick jokes). The bell rang, and Frank dragged himself to his form room, both desperate to see Mikey, and desperate to do the opposite.

The day passed in a blur for Frank. A slow, painful blur, almost like a bleary traipse through a wild forest, where trees scratched his face every time Mikey glowered at him from across the room. Ray ate lunch with him, and Frank noticed Mikey's absence from the dining hall. Good, he thought, I don't want him here making me feel guilty. When their Biology teacher told them to get into pairs for the lesson, Frank glanced expectantly over to Mikey, only to see his former friend and partner blanking him to work with someone else. At the end of the day, Frank was at his locker, collecting his stuff, when Mikey approached a few feet away from him and began fumbling in his pocket for his key. Frank knew he might not get another chance to make things better, so he screwed up his courage and walked over to his ex-best friend.

"Hey, Mikey."

Mikey looked up at him, but didn't respond. They stood in silence for a few seconds, until Frank decided that he'd better say something while he still had Mikey's attention.

"Look, Mikey, I'm really sorry, and I totally didn't mean to upset you and I regret it loads and- "

The words tumbled out of his mouth before he realised Mikey had turned away. Frank waited expectantly, but Mikey's expression hardened, and he slammed his locker door.

"I don't wanna hear it, Frank. Just go away."

Frank watched Mikey leave as his eyes filled with tears. Once he heard the slam of a door signifying Mikey was gone, Frank let the tears fall, until, blinking hard, he gathered his things and attempted to gather his mind. Mikey's the one who's being a dick, Frank thought, not me. I don't have to beg for forgiveness. Lost in his thoughts and bracing himself to walk home in the pouring rain (to avoid seeing Mikey on the bus), Frank was completely oblivious to his surroundings, and unaware of the fact that a certain tall, dark-haired, popular and dangerous individual was waiting around the corner for him.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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