Chapter 14

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Two hours.

Kayano and Karma talked for two whole fucking hours.

Nagisa felt like every last bone in his body was on the verge of breaking while he was stuck in a dryer full of Karma Akabane's laundry.

Nagisa had been eavesdropping on the two the whole time. Karma coming out to Kayano. And Kayano coming out to Karma.

Kayano is bisexual.

Kayano likes boys and girls.

Nagisa was so confused. We were in our third year of junior high. 9th graders. How the hell do these guys have their sexualities so figured out? Nagisa had always just assumed he was straight and gone on in life.

Was he?

What the fuck was he even doing? Some fucking vampire stuck in a dryer questioning his sexuality? Are we for real?

After those two hours, Kayano finally left. The door closed, there was a short pause.


Karma was laughing his fucking ass off.

"Nagisaa~" he called, you could almost hear his smile in his voice.

The way Karma called his name made Nagisa go into the biggest blushing mess.

The creaking footsteps were heard throughout the apartment. He heard Karma go into the bedroom, but, his search there was to no avail.

He heard Karma open the shower curtain.

"Seriously?!" Karma sounded so frustrated, Nagisa was too tired and frustrated to make the effort to laugh.

Karma leaned back on the dryer causing it to open.

He just about shit himself when a sleep deprived blue haired vampire stared back at him.

"Do you want this closed?"

"Fuck you."

Karma let out a laugh as he helped his crush crawl out of his dryer, try comparing that to most romance stories.

Nagisa was tired.

Karma noticed, and grew concerned. Was he not giving him enough blood? There wasn't exactly a caring for an almost vampire for dummies out there.

"Would you like me to carry his highness to the couch?"

He bowed, acting like some royal attendant.

Kind. Karma was so kind to Nagisa. Nagisa, the boy who grew up abused and neglected by his mother, was being treated as someone who was important and of use by Karma. He wasn't a second play through, he was the protagonist! Karma hadn't known the scale of what he had done for Nagisa


Nagisa was scooped up in Karma's arms and gently placed on the couch.

Karma plugged the TV back in, grabbed the blanket from the dryer and put it on Nagisa.

He sat next to him, and started talking.

"Did you, like, hear-"

"Asano huh?"

Karma wanted to do about twenty backflips and throw himself into the fucking sun.

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