Chapter 1

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Thomas sat staring out the window as Brenda drove them home. She had hacked into the WICKED files and found out that they were all taken from a small town in California 2 years ago. The town is called Beacon Hills.
Thomas stood out in front of his house afraid of what he might find he left behind. Thomas remembered some other things about WICKED, like the fact that they tortured him to take the name Thomas. His real name is Stiles Stillinski. He remembered his dad, and how much he worried about him everyday. He's worried about him now. Worried that he spent the last 2 years blaming himself for Stiles' disappearance as he often blames himself for every little thing that goes wrong.
He knocks on the door still uncertain of what he might find. His dad opens the door.
"Yeah dad I'm here." Stiles answers his dad's question as they embrace in a hug. Stiles starts crying both relieved and broken. Happy to be back, but knowing that he'll never be the same.
"Stiles I don't get it. Where have you been?" His dad ask. He tells him the story of WICKED, and the trials he went through. His dad didn't know what to say after hearing the story he told. He wasn't expecting it.
"So, would you prefer I call you Stiles or Thomas?" His dad asked.
"Either. I'm just used to Thomas though."

The next morning his dad took him to Scott's house. Stiles waited in the car while his dad told them about how he came back yesterday.
"Stiles come on out son." His dad motioned for him to come. He got out of the car, and walked up, awkwardly, to Scott's front porch. He kept his eyes from making eye contact with his best friend who is like a brother. He knew that if Scott looked in his eyes he wouldn't see the old Stiles, he's see this new broken up Stiles who had been through more than any kid his age should.
"Stiles where were you? I thought you were dead." Was all Scott could say. He was shocked to see his friend who had went missing, without a trace, two years ago.
"Call the pack, and I'll tell all of you." Stiles said really not wanting to tell the story to all of his friends one after the other.
An hour later, everyone was at the Hale house looking at Stiles in disbelief, even Derek. Everyone questioning him.
"Ok everyone be quiet, and I'll tell y'all." Stiles said waiting for the silence, "Well, a year ago I woke up in a maze with like 40 or more other boys like me. I couldn't remember anything except what I thought was my name, Thomas. When I got there I learned that no one remembered anything past waking up on the glade. A couple days later, after a few complications, me and a couple of the others got out of the maze. We thought we were being rescued, but we weren't. Instead the people who put us in the maze, WICKED, had put us through another trial, the scorch. We ran through it trying to find shelter but we always seemed to end up in danger. A couple of weeks later we defeated WICKED and escaped. That's where I was." Thomas said trying to tell the version of it without all the deaths and pain.
"Well if these people erased your memory how did you remember Beacon Hills, and your real name?" Lydia asked.
"I was stung by a thing called a Griever, and it made me remember some thing. I remembered how they tortured me to take my new name." Stiles answered.
"How'd they torture you?" Liam asked taking Stiles back into a flashback from 2 years ago:
  "Thomas all you need to do is adjust to your new name." Ava Paige told Stiles.
"No!" Stiles screamed trying to escape the tied rope on his hands. Ava didn't say anything else. The next thing Stiles knew was the agony that took over his whole body. He bit his tongue, hard, to hold in the scream. He tasted the blood he'd drawn from it. They asked him if he'd take his new name, and he shook his head. He felt the pain again but this time it was worse, 100 times worse. This time it'd been too much for him that he fell to unconsciousness. When he came to they told him he needed a reminder before he could answer the question, and the pain was merely a tingle over his body as he was expecting it. He no longer could bite down on his tongue, and released the loud screams that barely reached his ears when the pain stopped.
"Stiles? Stiles!" Scott screamed snapping Stiles back to the present.
"Sorry." Stiles said embarrassed.
"It's okay. It's totally fine." Lydia said a reassuring smile on her face, "Stiles we don't expect you to be fine after what you went through."
"Guys there are some things I didn't tell you. I'm just not ready to tell the full story yet." Stiles said.
"That's okay." Scott said.
"Also, guys. I.. I killed people. I try to tell myself it wasn't me, but I don't know how to deal with it. I just thought you should know." Stiles said expecting Scott to give him a lesson on how killing isn't the answer, but was surprised when Scott hugged him, and told him it was fine.

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