chapter 11

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Emma's pov

Killian was at work so it was just me and henry he was the most cutest baby every he laughed and laughed until he couldn't any more then he started crying because i left the room "oh baby i know you're hungry i will feed you in a minute okay?" i said then i heard a knock at the door and heard henry crying so i got the door then went back over to henry "hey sweetie where's my grandson?" David asked "hey daddy um I'm sorta busy will you him for a sec." i said giving henry to my dad "do u need help, where's killian?" dad asked "he went to work, okay you wanna eat now i will feed you okay." i said taking him from my dad. I gave him his bottle he was only 2 weeks old so he couldn't really hold it himself i started crying and my dad pulled me in for a hug "oh sweetie, its okay." he told me "I'm so bad at this daddy i suck at being a parent." i said "honey, look at me you are 21 years old okay you are very new at this when we had you and josh youre mother was a mess you are a great mother!" my dad said. Josh was my brother who went to college a year ago we havent really seen him  since he left. I told him yesterday that i had a boyfriend and a son he completely freaked out but he was happy to be an uncle. "I should get home to your mom do i can eat lunch but if u need anything let me know." my dad said then he left.

Killians pov

I was about to leave and then i saw ella come up to me she always flirts with me "killian wait up!" she said running up to me "um i gotta get home." i said "i was wondering if u wanted to go out sometime?" she asked me "um listen ella i have a girlfriend and a baby with her im sorry." i told her and she looked very disapointed "oh well dont be I'll see you tommorow for work, bye!" she said running away. Then i left to go home to emma and henry.

Writers pov

Killian got home and saw emma holding their son in the kitchen making him a bottle "hey your hoem late." emma said "yeah late day. You look super tired." he told her emma gave killian the baby and finished making the bottle "hey dude whats up did you protect mom for me." he said "can u please be careful!" emma said crying "hey what's wrong honey?" he asked. Emma almost told him but she got a call and it was from Josh "who is josh?" killian asked suspiciously "its my brother." emma said answering it.

Phone call


Josh: hey sis how are u?

Emma:um great im on sure you've heard by now from mom or dad

Josh: that you have a kid at 21 yeah mom told me howd that happen?

Emma: i think u know.

Josh: look i um im coming home and i thought i would let you know.

Emma: let me guess u got a girl pregant.

Josh:of course not im not you i gotta go love u sis bye.

Emma: bye josh see u soon.

End phone call

"My brother is coming from new york tonight!" emma said.

"Wow um how come you haven't ever told me about him?" killian asked

"Babe don't start please." emma said

Killian quickly kissed her cheek and sat on the couch with henry and emma joined him.

"I'm sorry for not telling u. Can you forgive me killian?" emma asked placing her hand on her lap killian nodded and replied "yes, i can. Why is it so hot in here?" Killian asked jer taking off his shirt. Emma got up and took the baby from killian "I'm gonna go take him upstairs then we can be alone." emma said kissing killians  neck and chest then left.

Emma took the baby upstairs to her room and laid him in his crib. And noticed a picture of liam faced down on her dresser. She picked it up and put it with the rest of his stuff. Then went back downstairs to Killian.

"Hey love he asleep?" he asked "no but he isn't crying so that's good." emma said walking downstairs. Emma sat on the couch with Killian and leaned her head on his lap "why do u think he did it?" emma asked "did what?" killian asked "Liam, why do u think he killed himself?" emma asked starting to cry. "Emma I'm not sure but i know he would want you to be happy and not cry all the time." killian said "I just had a baby I'm gonna be crying alot now." emma said laughing. They went upstairs and got ready for bed and then henry started crying "your turn." emma said closing her eyes and turning the other way. Killian got up and got henry and put him in the bed with emma and himself "you wanna lay with mommy go get mommy, daddy has to work im the morning." killian said giving henry to emma "no babe I've had him all day its your turn here go to daddy ." "i have to work in the morning!" killian said. Emma sighed and said "whatever." emma left with henry and went downstairs.

She turned on cartoons for henry then she went to make him a bottle. Then she saw killian come down he tried to talk to her but she pulled away from him before he could. "Emma, are you mad at me?" killian asked but she didnt answer "emma say something please!" he yelled "I'm not mad okay just im gonna try to get him to sleep good night!" emma said kissing killian. He didn't really know if he and emma were okay she said They were but he didn't believe her he hoped they were okay. He really hoped they were okay

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