Shitty Rito

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Asu Rito: *clears throat*

Aso Rito: A cough?

*Asu clears her throat again*

Aso Rito: What are you doing?

Asu Rito: Hey Shitty Rito, these are for you. *pulls out phone and opens up YouTube*

Aso Rito: *facepalms for days*

Asu Rito: That's not even 1/10 of the videos I found that talk about you. These also describe you perfectly:

Aso Rito: *still facepalming 'cause his life sucks*

Asu Rito: These videos and I have one thing in common: we don't like you, Shitty Rito.

Aso Rito: What am I supposed to do....?

Asu Rito: Stay on the side and be Shitty Rito.

Aso Rito: That's not my name.

Asu Rito:

Aso Rito: ಠ_ಠ


*In the courtyard....*

Asu Rito: Hey everyone! This guy right here (also known as my useless-for-everything brother) is Shitty Rito. *points to Aso*

Random Student: Why is he called that? And I thought his name was Aso, not Shitty.

Aso Rito: See?

Asu Rito: *ignoring Aso* 'Cause he's a piece of shit, that's why.

Aso Rito: My name is Aso, everyone. Asu's just being a troll.

Random Student: I thought so.


Aso Rito:

(I had so much fun writing this XD)

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