Aso Is Triggered AF

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Aso Rito: *sits on grass* Finally, a day without having to hear the Shitty Rito shit.

(In some random ass distance...)

Asu Rito: Now is my chance to troll him, lololol.

*Asu pulls her phone out and plays this video on max volume (with two speakers):*

Everyone: Dafuq?

Asu Rito: *clasps hands together* Sorry to interrupt, but this guy right here is broke AF. *points to Shitt- I mean Aso*

Random Aso Hater: Shitty Rito is broke, lmao.

Asu Rito: Thank you, random ass Aso hater. You let me know that I'm not the only one that calls him Shitty Rito.

Random Aso Hater: Don't mention it.

Aso Rito: I'm not broke, and my name is Aso ಠ_ಠ

Asu Rito: Your name is Shitty, and I looked in your bank. You had a penny.

Random Aso Hater: Lmao this muthafucka broke

Asu Rito: I know right. He cheap AF, lmao.

Narrator (not me, FYI): And on this day, Shitty- I mean Aso Rito got exposed and rekt.

Asu Rito: I didn't even know this book had a narrator...

Narrator: I'm always hiding, Asu. That's why you didn't know.

Aso Rito: You should be fired then, Narrator.

Narrator: Stfu Aso.

Random Aso Hater: *eating popcorn* I'm enjoying this so much.

Asu Rito: *also eating popcorn* I know right. Watching Shitty Rito getting exposed and rekt is fucking hilarious.

Aso Rito: I'M FUCKING TRIGGERED ASXFGHJNVLIW *punches a random conviently placed camera*

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