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Everyone (minus Asu): *minding their own business*

Asu Rito: *rolls in on a unicycle* I've found my place y'all :')

Aso Rito: The weird side of the internet? Hell? If either, then yes, you have.

Everyone (minus Asu): *laughing*

Asu Rito: ...No, a world filled with memes. And stfu before I completely dismember you, Shitty Rito ಠ_ಠ

Everyone (minus Asu): WTF O_O

Asu Rito: ...Thanks. Anyway, check out these memes:

Everyone Else In The Room: A S U S T O P

Asu Rito: *somehow wearing MLG glasses* But that's not even one-tenth of the memes that I found. Check these out:

Everyone Else In The World: *wants to kill Asu*

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