What The Student Council Thinks (Non-Canon)

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(This chapter idea was suggested by @thathateshipper1! Thank you for the idea!

NOTE: I did show the student council pictures of the rivals. Also, a fight will break out in this chapter.)


*The student council walks to their room at school.*

Kuroko Kamenaga: Wait, WHAT? We're doing this NOW?! I'm not even done with my thesis, and it's due on Friday!

Shiromi Torayoshi: Kuroko, honey... it's only Tuesday. The thesis can wait.

Aoi Ryugoku: Exactly! And this is supposed to be fun, so...

Akane Toriyasu: *laughing at the other three*

*They enter.*

Imzaddi Parker: Oh, hello.

Kuroko Kamenaga: What do you want?

Imzaddi Parker: Oh, nothing... it's just that someone I know wants y'all opinions on the rivals.

Shiromi Torayoshi: Hey, Aoi, you ready to pop off at the mouth?

Aoi Ryugoku: Shiromi, stop saying that before I pop you in the mouth.

Shiromi Torayoshi: Yo, it's a fucking question.

Akane Toriyasu: Let's do this.


Imzaddi Parker: So, first up is Osana Najimi.

Aoi Ryugoku: Whew chileeeeeee, I got a LOT to say.

Kuroko Kamenaga: I... honestly have no opinion...

Akane Toriyasu: She seems nice. The interactions we've had were civil, anyway.

Aoi Ryugoku: "Nice?????" Oh Akane, you don't know the fucking half of it.

Kuroko Kamenaga: Let's watch the language...

Akane Toriyasu: Wait, "the half of it?" What's that all about???

Shiromi Torayoshi: I'm with Kuroko. I got no opinion on her.


Akane Toriyasu: *shocked asf* What did she do to you, Aoi?

Kuroko Kamenaga: Aoi, please don't tell her. My ears aren't trying to get blown out again.

Shiromi Torayoshi: Put a sock in it, Kuroko! I wanna hear Aoi yell again.

Aoi Ryugoku: *CENSORED (by a LONG SHOT)*

Kuroko Kamenaga: *covering her ears* Holy shit, that gets annoying.

Imzaddi Parker: ...I think it's time to move on.


Imzaddi Parker: Next is Amai Odayaka.

Kuroko Kamenaga: She's honestly a joy to be around.

Akane Toriyasu: I love being around her! She's a really good friend. I've gotta stop by and properly say hi!

Kuroko Kamenaga: You literally patrol the clubs though...

Imzaddi Parker: Kuroko, sweetheart, "properly" is the key word.

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