W r i t i n g I s H a r d

188 1 7

Imzaddi Parker: Bruh, writing a book is hard. How am I supposed to keep 3k readers happy? -_-

Osano Najimi: Oh, I don't know, discontinue the book?

Amao Odayaka: That's not helping, Mr. Unsupportive.

Osano Najimi: IDGAF

Osana Najimi: The old heartless Osano

Amai and Amao: Here, we'll help you.

Kizano and Osano: Lmao don't even try

Amai Odayaka: ಠ_ಠ

Hanakõ and Hanako: So r00d

Amai and Amao: We know, ugh

Imzaddi Parker: *busy thinking*

Hanako Yamada: Maybe do another dat boi chapter...?

Asu Rito: *breaks the door down* Did someone say DAT BOI?!

*Asu plays these videos on max volume:*

Everyone Else: Asu wtf

Asu Rito: But I liek memes, they're gr8 👌

Megami Saikou: Your spelling sucks though

Asu Rito: Stfu with yo fake ass, I can misspell things if I want ಠ_ಠ

Imzaddi Parker: Memes are being taken into consideration (and Asu's right, Megami. You fake af)

Asu Rito: Yay! (and lmao)

Megami Saikou: -_-

Imzaddi Parker: Matter of fact, I'll do both! *starts writing*

(Yes, I know I *somewhat* foreshadowed at least two future chapters. Leave any bitching in my hater support bin. I will *not* eventually get to them.)


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