Megami's Couch

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(inspired by OkamiHaura's Ask or Dare book)


(At Megami's mansion...)

Everyone: *rushes in so short stories can be told already*

Megami Saikou: *facepalm* WIPE YOUR GODDAMN FEET!

Imzaddi Parker: SHORT STORY TIME! Everyone told stories that are either scary or shitty, then Imzaddi peed on Megami's couch.

Muja Kina: *confused af* And...?

Imzaddi Parker: That's the end.

Megami Saikou: *throwing whatever's in arm's reach* BOOOOOOO! I HATE THAT ENDING!

Kizana Sunobu: Suck it up, Mary Sue. That's the ending your gonna get -.-

Megami Saikou: I'm sorry, I thought my name was 'Megami Saikou', not 'Mary Sue'.

Osana Najimi: Megami's name isn't 'Mary Sue'?

Muja Kina: Apparently, nope.

Everyone (minus Megami):

Megami Saikou: *facepalm*

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