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- woojin pov -

Seongwoo and I met up with Seojin within the next hour, as we promised. We walked over to the downtown shopping avenue and sat in a cafe where she said we'd meet with her friend.

"I'll order drinks, you guys go ahead and sit down over there," Seojin said as she pointed at a table and walked over to the counter. I watched her interact with the cashier as she ordered our drinks; she was really beautiful. The way her brown, wavy hair fell and the way her eyes turn into crescent moons when she smiles...

"Woojin, stop staring. Woojin. She's coming. WOOJIN."

OH SHOOT, I hope she didn't catch me looking at her (even though Seongwoo did... I'd rather have it be him than her I guess...). I turned around and scratched the back of my neck pretending to just be stretching... hopefully she didn't notice.

"Here! The drinks come out really quickly here," she placed the four drinks on the table and sat down in the seat next to me.

We sat there sipping on the drinks and talked about the surrounding area. There weren't alot of people out today, which was good because I'd rather not deal with a bunch of fans following us around. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans and I'm thankful for them. But an afternoon without the crowd is nice... just spending time with my friends.

The cafe door bell rang, and Seojin turned around. "Oh, she's here! Hyeyoung-ah you came!" she went over to bring her friend over to our table. "Hyeyoung, this is Woojin and Seongwoo Oppa. Woojin and Oppa, this is my friend Hyeyoung! We've been friends since... a long time!"

Aw, she seemed nice. "Hi, I'm Woojin. Nice to meet you!" I expected Seongwoo to do the same, but instead he was just staring at her and biting his drink straw like a thoughtless child. Usually he's pretty smooth with girls, but this time he was being weird. Oh my... I bet I didn't look this stupid when he caught me staring at Seojin...

"Hyung... hyung...!!!" I tried to whisper to him to get his attention, and Hyeyoung gave an uncomfortable smile.

Seongwoo finally sat up straight and put the drink down. "Oh, oh sorry, I was just thinking. Hi, I'm Seongwoo. Nice to meet you... Hyeyoung?" He pulled out the chair next to him so she could sit. He then handed her her drink. "And this, I think is for you," he offered, with a warm smile. Seongwoo hyung what the HECK why is he being so shy...

Hyeyoung just looked at Seojin, who responded to her with a shrug and smile. "Thanks! I mean... thank you, Seongwoo Oppa," she said hesitantly.

He smiled and licked his lips. "Oh, it's okay, you can talk comfortably," SEONGWOO HYUNG WHAT. YOU NEVER DO THIS TO GIRLS YOU JUST MEET. OH MY. Hyeyoung smiled and took a sip of her drink, repositioned her hair and adjusted her posture. It was cute, to be honest, but nonetheless awkward.

I can tell Seojin could get an idea of what was happening between them, so she lightly elbowed me and nodded toward the door, suggesting that we walk around to break the awkward-ness. "Let's walk around, yeah??" she suggested. We all nodded and headed out, looked around. Seojin and I walked a bit behind Seongwoo and Hyeyoung, just so they can get used to each other. I know Seojin told me that Hyeyoung's bias was Seongwoo, and from hyung's actions I can totally tell he's fallen for her.

Most of me and Seojin's conversation was her talking about her life, funny stories with Jisung hyung from her childhood. I didn't mind not talking, I was more of a listener anyways, and I loved listening to her go on and on about just anything. Around dinner time, we decided to get some to-go pizza and eat back at the house, since it was getting more crowded with people anyways.

Seongwoo and Hyeyoung seemed to really get friendly with each other... I guess friendly is a good way to put it. No, comfortable? I'm not sure. Every time hyung said something, she'd laugh and look at him and they'd smile at each other. Highkey cute, lowkey jealous.

When we got back to the house with our food, the four of us sat outside on the patio where there were string lights strung around the top. Seongwoo and Hyeyoung were continuing getting to know each other, and I think they even exchanged numbers at one point! He wiped the chicken sauce off the side of her mouth, and they even shared drinks. As for Seojin and I... well, things seemed more platonic, but I enjoyed her presence so much. By the end of the night, Seongwoo took Hyeyoung home, and Seojin stayed to help me clean up our food.

"Seojin, I really appreciate you, you know?" I said to her. Oh my Woojin, why would you say that, you probably scared her... or not? She smiled at me. GOOD SIGN.

"I appreciate you, too, Woojin! I'm really glad we met," she replied, with a small laugh at the end. Cute. We finished cleaning up when she said something to me that I wish I never heard.

"Woojin, let's be best friends." 

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