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a/n here's the famous yanghwa bridge by zion.t !! seemed appropriate for this chapter, since seojin sings it for her showcase audition 

- seojin pov -

Today was Tuesday, aka the showcase audition day. I wasn't super concerned about passing the audition for the showcase since I had participated in it all my previous years, but I was just more curious to see who the final line up would be for the show. All of Sunday and Monday after school was spent practicing and rehearsing for this, and my group felt very prepared for the preliminary audition.

Woojin's Get Ugly dance group auditioned before mine. Waiting backstage, I could see his audition from the monitor. MY GOD. He's a totally different character when he dances, for real. He's so... hot. They finished their performance with no mistakes, and the judges even clapped for them. Without me even knowing it, I was clapping for them, too.

"Okay Yanghwa team, you're up!" the stage manager said to us. We headed onto the stage, passing by the dance group as we went on. Before I went on, someone's hand grabbed mine, and looking up to see it was, I naturally smiled. Woojin.

"Good luck, Seojin. You'll do great," he said. That was all the luck I ever needed.

My team and I, all four of us, took our positions on the stage. The judges inspected our showcase applications briefly, and then they cued us to begin.

Haengbokhaja, uri, haengbok haja~

After we finished, we bowed and thanked the judges for their time. The judges nodded their heads in approval, and we awaited their evaluation comments.

"You guys sound wonderful, you really do, all four of your voices together sound so beautiful and the song really sounds alive!" said one judge.

"I agree, and the emotions are so raw and real," another judge said. "And Yoon Seojin," he began, and I raised my hand, scared of what criticism he might give me... "your tone is so wonderful. It really adds a new color to the group that none of the other members have. Really beautiful, any college or entertainment would be lucky to have you." My teammates patted my back and cheered for me. I blushed.

"Oh, thank you so much. I will work hard to put an even better performance for the showcase!" I bowed to them. Leaving the stage, all four of us were in a good mood. And to my surprise, Woojin was waiting backstage for me. Once I saw him, he gave me a big hug. Well there go the heart palpitations again...

"Wow, I did not know you sang like that. I'm seriously impressed!" he exclaimed.

"Thanks, Woojin. You're quite the talented dancing machine, though! Dancing god dancing king, really," I said back. "Say, let's go grab some boba to celebrate our successful auditions, yeah?" I suggested.

Woojin looked down at the ground and blushed. "Anything as long as I'm with you."

- jihoon pov -

From the corner of my eye, I can see Woojin and Seojin's interaction. And for some reason, I can't help but be jealous. I tried to drink some water and seem occupied to ignore them, but I couldn't resist looking over just out of curiosity. My thoughts were interrupted by someone all of a sudden.

"What are you looking at?"

"Oh, Minji, hi," I said sheepishly.

"Why are you looking at Seojin? What does she have that I don't have?"

I sighed. In my head, I could list almost a hundred things. But, I didn't bother to say any out loud. Strangely, I didn't see any beauty in Minji today. Sure, she was pretty, but she was lacking something so much, something that Seojin had excess of. I can't exactly pinpoint what that is, but when I looked at Minji now, I didn't feel anything inside. I felt empty. 

- wanna one next door -Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang