thirty two

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Showcase D-day.
TODAY. Was showcase day.

All of the performers were waiting in the backstage room to have their final run through on stage. Stage crew was bustling around everywhere - gathering performers, making sure agency CEOs had their assigned seats, setting up the front ticketing booth, managing stage lights, etc.

I was sitting at hair and makeup waiting to get my face beautifully colored, when Woojin suddenly came up behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders, gently massaging them.

"Oh, hi Woojin," I placed one of my hands on his hand on my shoulder, turning up to look at him. He bent down and plotted a quick kiss on my forehead, making me dumbfounded at the action. The makeup artist behind him was startled too, and she giggled a bit. How embarrassing Woojin...

"Hey, good luck today, you'll do great, you look great, you're great," he said. He turned to the makeup artist. "Please make her look even more beautiful than she already is!" The stylist laughed and nodded her head, proceeding to begin doing my hair.

"Okay everyone, twenty minutes and we are airing, twenty! If you haven't got hair and makeup done yet, please do so... now!" Sewoon said. Sewoon, who was always on top of everything and planning, was at the height of his stress for the showcase. People shuffled in and out of the makeup, hair, and dressing rooms. Every little mirror was occupied by someone practicing their facial expressions and moves.

My hair stylist removed the drape from around me. "You are ready to go!" she exclaimed. I looked in the mirror, surprised that the person I was looking at was me. "Wow, thank you so much!"

I went over to the rest of my teammates who were already getting their outfits on. "Ah, Seojin! You look so good!" they exclaimed, pretty loudly too. It grabbed the attention of everyone else around. Including Minji. She gave me a stink look and walked over.

"Oh my gosh, Seojin, you are so fabulous! Oh my goodness, there can't be anyone who looks better than you. Oh wait, it's me," she said nastily. I wanted so much to just release all my anger out on her, every bit that pented up from the time that she kissed Woojin. But I didn't care enough to. Instead, I just looked at her and smiled.

"Of course, Minji. No one can ever look as good as you! You're going to do great today," I smiled at her Her facial expression went from confused to shocked real quick.


"Minji, I know you don't like me. And that's okay. But that doesn't mean I wish ill will against you. So hate me all you want. It doesn't really bother me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to leave and you're in my way," I quickly said and walked past her. She stood there frozen with her mouth open. Served her right.

I could hear the sounds of the audience bustling and getting louder. I could tell just by the sound that the hall was overflowing with people from everywhere. I peeked out the curtain just to see, and WOW. If every seat being filled wasn't enough, there were people on the 2nd and 3rd floor standing and in the back, all who came just to see this showcase. It made me more nervous, but also more excited. I scanned over the crowd to see who might be here, and recognized the familiar faces of the other Wanna One members. There's Seongwoo, holding a bouquet of flowers. Gee, I wonder who they are for! And then there's Daniel right next to him, also holding a bouquet of flowers? Wait, I'm actually wondering who those are for... And then, in the front were the CEOs in all their glory. Quickly looking across, I spotted Yang Hyun-Suk, CEO of YG. I could feel my heart flipping everywhere creating dysrhythmias that pulsed around my entire body.

"Looking at the YG CEO, huh?" I heard a voice say behind me. Sewoon!

"Oh hey, Sewoon, I was just looking around the audience...,"

He gave me a suspicious smile. "Okay, sure. But word has it, he's watching out for you tonight. Good luck, Seojin. You'll go great," he patted my shoulder and went backstage. Wait, what did he just say...

All the performers gathered in the waiting room. We were all anxiously watching the monitor for Sewoon to come out any minute and start MCing the performance. In the corner of my eye, I saw Woojin taking a peek at me, in which I looked back at him and winked. He held his fist up to motion a "hwaiting!" and I returned a thumbs up. Although my mind was chaos, he was the one consistent thing in my life.

"Hello, hello!" Sewoon exclaimed, coming out onto the stage. His greeting was returned by a roar of claps from the hundreds of people who came to our showcase. "And welcome to Curie Arts High School's 10th Annual Performance Showcase! My name is Jung Sewoon, and I served as the head executive for this year's showcase planning committee. Today, I will be your MC!"

Sewoon's spectacular introduction came to an end, and the stage crew quickly motioned the first group on stage. Performance after performance, everyone was getting more anxious for their turn.

"Next is Kwon Minji!" the stage crew member called. Minji stood up from the back taking off her robe and revealing her quite promiscuous stage outfit. People looked at her shocked and whispered in each other's ears, but she didn't seem to care at all. She was probably so confident in her look and performance.

What she didn't realize though, is that one of her heel laces were untied. Although she was able to walk to the stage without any difficulty, I figured that this may cause problems on the stage...

"Minji, wait!! Your lace...," I called out after her. She turned around to see me, and then just proceeded for the stage.

"I know what you're trying to do, guilt trip me and make me feel bad. But I will show you til the end, Yoon Seojin, that I am better than you and I will win Woojin and Jihoon back!" she angrily stormed off to the stage.

Well, this can't end well. 

So cool ha-gae, duh hot ha-gae... 

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