twenty three

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- seojin pov -

That day had been a good day. Full of happiness, love, and tears, all of which led back to my reuniting friendship with Jihoon. I know it sounds so easy of me to forgive him that quickly and decide to be friends, but Jihoon had always been a special friend to me. Even after we moved, even after we had broke contact, even if I didn't recognize him the first time I met him... Park Jihoon was my childhood best friend.

The following week at school, he began walking with me and Woojin to school. We'd say hi to each other in the hallways and even eat together. Of course, this raised questions from many people; news spread fast around the school and people had been talking and even making up theories for our relationship. And as for Minji... well let's just say things are a bit rocky right now.

"He's WHAT?!" Hyeyoung yelled.

"Shhh, quiet down you're so loud, and we're in the school hallway," I laughed.

"Park Jihoon of Wanna One? Is your CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND? This is... is fate from the gods... what could you have possibly done to be blessed with such a connection? This is something that only happens in dramas!" she said dramatically. Oh, Hyeyoung...

Jihoon had stayed after school that day, so Woojin and I walked back the two of us.

"So what's going on between you and Jihoon?" he asked quietly.

"Oh, you must not have heard! We're actually childhood best friends!" I laughed, and noticed Woojin's shocked expression. "I was surprised, too. He used to be so sweet when we were little. And we were always together! Jihoon and Seojin... inseparable!"

"Ah, you guys must have been really... close," Woojin slowly stated. I nodded my head excitedly.

"And we even made promises that we'd get married when we grew older and stuff," I reminisced on the past. "Oh, what am I saying. Anyways, best friends!" I exclaimed. Woojin seemed in deep thought.

"Then if you and Jihoon were best friends, we should be best friends, too!" he suggested. My heart broke really fast.


"We should be best friends like that. And maybe we can even have deeper conversations... talk about our futures and things like that," he smiled.

"F... friends?" I hesitantly asked. He nodded his head happily.

"Is that okay? With you, I mean?" he asked pleadingly. I slowly nodded my head, not wanting to disagree with his proposal. But my heart wanted to pour out my true feelings to him right then and there, tell him how much he meant to me and how much I wanted us to be something more than friends. But he didn't want more than friends. He wanted exactly just that.

"Woojin, I have to go home, I... have alot of work to do," I lied. I didn't have work to do. But I couldn't stand being around him knowing that our relationship would have nowhere to go to. He just smiled at me.

"Okay, good luck, best friend!" he cheered. I just forced a smile and quickly headed in the opposite direction.

I hated the fact that I ever believed that Woojin and I could have been in love. Why did I ever think he could feel the same way for me? How could he, I mean, international sensation boy group member fall in love with someone like me? I'm delusional. 

- woojin pov -

I felt better knowing that the relationship status between me and Seojin was made clear between us. She had said so herself to me in the past that we should be best friends. And now, I finally can agree with her. But why did she seem so upset when I told her...

The next day at school, the three of us, Seojin, Jihoon, and I, walked to school together. We walked in silence. Complete silence. Not a single one of us said a word, and I wondered if it was because something had happened between them that maybe they didn't want to talk.

But I was very wrong.

Once we entered the school building, Seojin had went to the library to grab a book. Jihoon and I went to our respective classes and continued our day as no problem. That is, until lunch time.

I went to the cafeteria to find our usual table with Hyeyoung and Sewoon. Sitting down with my food, I greeted with them and talked with them, as usual. But then, I noticed.

"Hey, where's Jihoon and Seojin?" I asked. Surely they wouldn't be absent together, right? They both shrugged and continued eating. I became more concerned and then...

"Oh, I see them over there!" Hyeyoung waved over to them. I looked in her direction and there they were. The two of them laughing with each other, smiling at each other. Seojin was... linking arms with him? I tried to not overthink things and waved over to them as well. Coming over to our table, they were especially giggly with each other.

"Hey guys!" Seojin greeted cheerfully. "Oh my, Jihoon! Don't steal my banana milk you know that's my favorite!" she yelled. Jihoon playfully put his arm up so Seojin couldn't reach her drink from across the table. The rest of us just watched them silently.

"Fine, fine," Jihoon replied, "sike!" he stuck the straw in her drink and began drinking it, and Seojin sighed in playful exasperation. Suddenly, Seojin's phone started ringing. She took it out to check who it is.

"WHY IS JOO HAKNYEON CALLING YOU???" Hyeyoung exclaimed in surprise. Jihoon snatched her phone away super fast and turned on the video call mode. Seojin struggled to grab it back.

"Hey, if you call her one more time I'll find you!" Jihoon warned.

"Oh... oh... Wanna One... you're...," Haknyeon stuttered. Jihoon quickly ended the call and handed her back her phone smiling.

"Why, is he such a loss?" he asked her. She shook her head really quickly.

"No, that's not exactly it but..."

"And you know, you say this kid is your first love? Oh Seojin, your first love was not him. It was me," Jihoon said proudly. Sewoon almost spit out his juice, and Hyeyoung sat there disgustedly. I wasn't sure what face I was making, but on the inside I felt helpless. Why did I feel so... far away from her? 


i guess u can see more story line comparisons with exo next door i guess? haha i felt like i should probably keep some consistency... 

anyways, thank you so much for all the votes and comments! each one really means so much, and lately you have all been so generous with them. i hope you're enjoying this story even if my writing is terrible and i srsly am so thankful <3 <3 <3 

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