twenty five

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- seojin pov -

The rest of school went by somehow without me even noticing. Once in awhile, Jihoon would tap on my desk to get me to focus, but my mind was somewhere else. Surely he doesn't like Minji... right? That can't possibly be... but they were right there, KISSING, what other explanation could there be for that?

After the last bell rang, I didn't wait for Jihoon or Woojin to walk back home. The trek was better alone, and I didn't want to discuss anything with anyone. Today, I would take the longer route home, and stop by the Han River. I remember as children, Jihoon was the first one to take me to this one spot along the river. It was quiet, nobody usually around, and had small pebbles all around that we used to skip along the river surface. I constantly revisited that spot whenever I needed to clear things in my head like today.

I thought about alot of things. I thought about what my current relationship was with Woojin, and why we so suddenly became like strangers. I also thought about my revived friendship with Jihoon and how this is affecting my relationship with other people, or how it could even affect me and Woojin. Many things popped into my mind, like the showcase, or even how Hyeyoung was doing with Seongwoo. All of things seemed to occupy my brain, when all I was searching for was some answers.

(2) New Text Message from Park Jihoon

Park Jihoon:
jin!!!! where r u???
where did u go after school??

Yoon Seojin:
just out, needed some air

Park Jihoon:
can u come over rn
i need u

Yoon Seojin:
okay, ill be there in five min


I ran the rest of the way home, curious of why Jihoon would need me. I tried to think of possible situations in my head...

Arriving in front of their home, I waited for Jihoon to answer the door. But when the door opened, I was greeted by not Jihoon.



We stood in front of each other on either side of the doorway not saying a word.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Oh, Jihoon told me to... come over. I thought he was the one opening the door," I said, not wanting to have an extended conversation with him. Just seeing his face made me want to cry all over again. Woojin pursed his lips and let me in, motioning me to sit on the couch. He sat on the opposite end, and we both probably debated whether or not to start a conversation.

"Seojin, look, I'm so sorry I don't know what happened with us, but I'm so flustered right now I don't even know what to say, but I guess I'll just say it... I have fee-,"

"Seojin?" someone's voice interrupted. Jihoon. I immediately stood up and went over to him, but felt bad leaving Woojin hanging.

"Let's talk another time, okay?" I said, and he just nodded his head and went back upstairs.

"What was he saying to you?" Jihoon asked.

"I'm not too sure either, my head was in a different place," I replied. It was true. 


asdfjkl; sorry for the boring/slow update, i promise i'll get back on track by the end of this week T_T 
and don't worry all u woojin fans... i've been noticing the popular consensus is that 2jin (lol ship name for woojin x seojin?? lol idk comment suggestions if u have some ideas) is more shipped than jihoon x seojin so.......... muahahahaha

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