updates & apologies

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Hi guys, long time no update. 

Before anything, I want to sincerely apologize for my lack of presence in updating this book and keeping up with comments. Whenever I check my page and see the notifications of votes, comments, and follows, I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have found a community of people so supportive of my writing and share the same interests (Wanna One!) as me. I know I promised updates from way back in August, but never got around to posting them. I just wanted to let you guys know that you are all so amazing, and I do read each and every one of your comments and value every vote I get. If my absence makes it seem like I was ungrateful for everything, I totally understand. I didn't think this book would get big at all, and to see the number of views and votes grow just makes me so thankful and happy, and sorry at the same time. 

Well I'm writing this to update you on what's been going on, why I haven't been posting, and how things are going to be looking in terms of this book. 

So from my last post (which was posted in August I think) to now, I was actually studying abroad in Korea for a bit. If you had read my author tag update (which is in this book), I was born in Daegu, South Korea, but live in New Jersey. But, I spent a semester in Korea at an international private school. I'm not going to go into specifics about the school and the program just for privacy purposes, but this did occupy most of my time which is why I haven't been able to write content to give you guys. This may seem like just an "excuse", but this really is it T_T 

In terms of future plans for this book, I AM planning on finishing it! ^_^ I currently came back to the US for winter break and seeing my family again, so I have more time on my hands to focus on writing. Which is nice, both for you, the reader, and for me! I'm excited to be able to communicate with you guys through this book. All your reactions just make my day. 

I totally understand if you've felt abandoned by this book, or for new readers, if you've been frustrated because you're left at an open-ended chapter. I'm truly sorry. But at the same time, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all your support and love. Keep them coming, as I will bring you more updates. 

I love you guys. <3 

- tiffany jiyeon - 

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