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Hazel's POV:
Hey, I'm Hazel. I'm 24 years old and I'm a forensics photographer for the CCPD. Today started like a normal day did. I woke up, had breakfast and headed to work. But once I left for work, I didn't make it back to my house for 3 days. Something happened to me, when the Particle Accelerator exploded. Here's my story.


My alarm woke me up. I turned it off and went into the bathroom. My phone rang as I was on the toilet and I groaned. I finished and grabbed my phone. "Hello?" I asked groggily. "Hey Hazel." My brother's voice rang into the phone. "Hi Hartley." I said. "Getting ready for work?" He asked. "Mm-hm." I replied. I began to brush my teeth and Hartley began rambling about the place he worked at. S.T.A.R Labs. "Be careful today." He said before I hung up. I slid on my skirt with a shirt and put my heels on. I stopped and got a coffee and a bagel. Once I reached the station I walked in. My camera was around my neck and I turned a corner towards my office. People were everywhere and I tried to squeeze through them. I felt someone run into the back of me and I turned around to see a tall guy. "Oh sorry." He said while clutching his case. I figured he was a forensic scientist. "It's ok." I replied. He nodded and he said "photographer huh?" I nodded and said "so you're a scientist?" "Yeah." He said. I smiled and said "well I'll see ya." I then walked into my office and looked at the new case I had got. I flipped through the pages and headed towards Joe's office. "I'm going." I said. Joe nodded and said "ok. Be careful Hazel." I nodded and got in my car and drove to the crime scene. I got out of my car and detectives were all over the place. I headed towards the crime that I was taking pictures of. I grimaced at the blood and quickly took a picture of the body. There were shotgun shells and I took pictures of those as well. Once I had finished I went back to the station to get them developed. I put my head on my desk as a headache came on. I loved my job, I did but I've been stressed lately. My parents didn't want me to have his job. They wanted me to be a scientist like my brother. He works at a laboratory and gets to test things. I just take pictures of crimes. So when you compare my brother and I, who's the better sibling? I was tired so I figured I'd go home. Lots of people had already went home because of the Particle Accelerator. I got in my car and began to drive towards my house. Since I was the sister of Hartley he made a lot more money. So my house was nice and away from everyone. I began to drive towards the woods when an explosion went off. I looked in the rear view mirror and a large wave swept the whole city. The wave hit my car, sending it tumbling into trees and a ditch. I blacked out.


I woke up on the ground. Sirens were going off in the entire city and I looked around. I wasn't in my car. I was on my back and there was a pool of blood around me. I sat up and realized my car was on my leg. I gasped and covered my mouth. There was nobody around and the entire city was in peril. I fell back onto my back and tears filled my eyes. I knew there was nothing I could do. My phone began to ring and I tried to grab it. I scooted closer to the side where my phone laid. I grabbed it and pressed it to my ear. "Hazel?" Hartley asked into the phone. "Hartley? Where are you?" I asked. He didn't answer and I heard him crying. "Hartley answer me." I said. "I don't know. But there's something wrong. It's all wrong." He said. "I'm pinned Hartley. Under my car." I said. Hartley groaned and said "Hazel where are you?" "Off the road...somewhere." I replied. "Don't pass out Hazel. Stay awake." He said. "I can't. My leg is numb. I can't feel it." I replied. Shuffling was heard on the phone and Hartley said "I'm coming for you ok?" "Ok." I replied. He hung up and my eyes fluttered closed.


I woke up and it had to be morning and the city was still recovering from whatever happened. I could see where I was now. There was a lot of trees surrounding me and I looked to see the guard rail was split from my car crashing into it. There was a hole and I sighed. I looked at my leg that I had no feeling in. I sat up and put my hands on the car. I tried to push it off of my leg and it just caused pain. I screamed and fell onto my back. Sobs left my mouth and I looked around. "Help!" I screamed. There was nobody around. Probably because I lived outside the city and barely anyone came out here. I panted as the pain subsided and I sat up again. I looked for a shard of glass, I was either going to die, or just have one leg. I couldn't do this. As I reached for one it flew into my hand. I gasped and immediately dropped it. "What?" I said aloud. I left the shard of glass on the ground and reached for a different one. Another shard flew into my hand. I yelped and said "what's going on?" I didn't know what to do. I reached for a rock, to see if it was going to fly into my hand. It did. I shuddered and picked up one of the shards. My eyes scanned over it's jagged edges and I let go of it. It floated in front of me and I gasped. I held out my hand and twirled the piece of glass around. I moved my hand forwards and the shard flew away from me. I covered my mouth and whimpered. Then it hit me. The car. I can move the car. I held out both hands in front of me and began to lift it off of my leg. My car hovered in the air and I sent it flying away into the forest. The car crashed into some trees and I looked at my leg. It was bleeding and possibly broken. My other leg was fine. I tried to stand up and ended up falling back down. "Come on. You can do this." I told myself. I struggled to stand up. I was standing on one foot somehow. I gasped as I tried to take a step and pain erupted through my body. I looked up towards the hill and said "shit." I got back on the ground slowly and decided to crawl up the hill. I grabbed some blades of grass and pulled my body upward. That caused my leg to stretch out and I screamed in pain. I knew I had to get to the road. That was the only way I was going to get to my house. My phone was in my back pocket. I kept pulling my body upward until I made it to the road. Once I made it I stood up. I didn't have enough strength to make it to a hospital. At all. A car pulled up in front of me and out stepped Hartley. "Oh god." He said. His glasses were broken and I reached out for him. "Help me." I said. He rushed over to me and caught me before I fell. He held me bridal style and looked at my car in the trees. "Please tell me you didn't do that." He said. "I threw it." I said. Hartley inhaled sharply and carried me to his car. He began to drive to the hospital. "Stay with me." He said. His voice was muffled and my vision was blurry. "I can't see." I said. "We'll be there soon." He replied.


I woke up to a beeping sound. I was in a hospital. I looked around and looked for my brother. "Hartley?" I asked. He was nowhere to be found. A nurse walked in and said "Miss Rathaway. You're awake." I half smiled and said "where's my brother. Hartley?" "He left a few hours ago. Right before you went into surgery." She said. I said "what did you guys do? Am I ok?" "Your leg actually wasn't that bad. They fixed it quickly." She said. "What did they do?" I asked firmly. The nurse cleared her throat and said "your leg was fractured. They fixed it and you seemed to heal up quickly. They should've either had to amputate your leg or you should've not been able to walk." I covered my mouth and looked at her. She set a tray of food down in front of me. "Where's my phone?" I asked while my mouth was still covered. She handed me my phone and walked out of the room. I looked to see that my camera was on the counter in the room. "What?" I asked. I dialed Hartley and he picked up. "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded and said "where are you?" "I couldn't stay. There were too many sound waves in that place." He replied. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "sound waves?" He winced and and I said "Hartley?" "There's something up with that place ok? It hurts my ears." He said. My brother had a history of having a hearing problem. I thought my parents had helped him with it. "Are you coming back?" I asked him. He said "No. I'm not. But call me when they're letting you out and I'll come get you ok?" "Yeah." I instantly hung up the phone and sighed. I didn't want to look at my leg. I scrolled through my phone until I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore.

Here's the first chapter!!

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