Chapter 6

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"Pancakes." Harry said as he rolled into the room. Cisco said "oh yes! Thank god for Akos' pancakes." Caitlin said "I'll be here. But I'm out." She then walked out of the cortex. Cisco said "oh preach!" He did the same with a large plate of nachos.

I sighed and said "looks like I'm driving home

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I sighed and said "looks like I'm driving home." "Oh no you're not." Barry said. "What else are you going to do drive her home Barry?" Akos asked. "I do not own a car. Everyone knows that."

"You can drive me home in my car ok?" I asked

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"You can drive me home in my car ok?" I asked. Barry nodded with a smile. He picked me up and said "let's go." "Grab my purse." I said. He grabbed my purse and Akos said "I'll see you guys in the morning."

This chapter

I said "I'll see you guys in the morning." As Barry, Hazel, Caitlin, and Cisco walked out. As they all left, me and Harry we working on all of Hazels powers. "Go home Akos. You need to wake up early tomorrow for the team. They're gonna need it." Harry says putting my his hand on my thigh. Holy fat cats. "Ok. Yeah I will." I say standing up and getting my bag. I walk out and then I remember that I forgot me phone again. "Good kid Harrison now she thinks your a weirdo." Harry says. I shrug and grab my phone and head out. Once I get home, I see that my cat was passed out snoring in the middle on of the floor. I smirk and put my stuff down and take out all the stuff I need for pancakes.

In the morning I woke up really early to make the pancakes and work my magic. Couple hours later I got little shapes for each of the team. Cisco well whatever he into today. Caitlin doctors stuff. Barry a lightning by and speed related stuff. Hazel a camera and photography stuff. Then Harry a star labs logo and then some science stuff.

I get into work and everyone is sitting down waiting for their food. I pass out the pancakes. When I handed them to Cisco he gasped and took out his phone and took a picture of them. "These are amazing Akos! How do you do this?" He asks. "Well the magician never reveals their secrets." I say. I pass them to Barry and Hazel. "Just freaking kiss already." I say putting Harry's pancakes in front of them. "Thank you Akos. These are beautiful." He says. I stand behind him and lean down and say," Once you are done with your pancakes come find me." He nods and I walk out. Once I get out of Star labs I head to the little patch of grass. I sat down and just waited. I thought I could play with my light. I created a ball of light and it was colored. Weird. But cool. I was playing with my light when I heard Well's chair. "Hey Harry." I say turning around to look at him. "How were the pancakes. Did you like them?" "Oh they were great!" He says. "How'd you find me?" I say. "Your light and Barry too he say you when he flew out of the labs." He says. "Do you like me?" I say. "Like not like a friend. But as something else?" I say. "Hey Dr. Wells we gotta problem it is another meta."  Cisco says. We rush back into the cortex and see what is happening. "What's happening?" I say we got a huge problem right now. Barry is fighting a meta human that has the power to use water. But not like Hazel. "What is up guys? What is happening." I say. "Water. Meta. And mind control over fish." Cisco says. "Oh we have a Percy Jackson on the loose!" I say. "A Percy Jackson? What is that? And I give the nicknames here. But I got to say that is fitting. " Says Cisco. "A Percy Jackson is the actual Percy Jackson. One of the only human demigod sons of Poseidon. He isn't really a meta human he is more of a demigod." I say. "The dude is crazy cool and is like ten, he is really like 16 or 17, but he can like talk to fish, control the ocean, and has a pen for a sword named riptide." "He looks lost. And how do you know him?" Barry says. "Jesus! You scared me! Well I was his touter before his girlfriend, a daughter of Athena, took over the job." I say. "What," I say defensively. "It was definitely way before I met all of you guys." "Wait so we aren't dealing with a meta?" Barry said. "Yeah. More like a demigod. I'll go find my friend and I'll be back." I say walking away. I went walking of the labs when I was stopped by a whoosh of wind and flash of red, Barry. "Why can't I just say hi to a friend." I say rolling my eyes. I head to my car and take my leave since Barry has gotten my friend for me instead of I. Whatever. I stop and get a pizza from the good pizza place right outside of my house. Once I get into my house i feed my cat some regular food because he needs to go on a diet. Whoops lol my cat is fat not my fault. But anyways I eat my pizza and check my phone and see that I have a lot of missed called from everyone in the team. They were mostly from Wells, weird, Barry, Iris, Hazel, I never gave her my number Barry probably gave it to her, Caitlin, and Cisco sending me 'help me Obi-Wan Your my only hope' and 'bring me pancakes for breakfast messages. I just ignore them and put my pizza away and head to my bedroom and I put on my pajamas. My pajamas consisted of a Jurassic Park t-shirt and pajama bottoms with pancakes. 

I was just was about to go asleep when my cat jumped on my bed and laid next to me. "Hi baby." I say scratching her head and giving her a little kiss. "I think someone likes me at work. Of course light you are still gonna be my number one and you are always their for me and even though people would think it is weird that you are a cat and that you don't really know what I am saying but whatever you are my baby kitty and you are my best friend. I wish someone would like me the way you like me. I wish. Alright baby kitty time to sleep. See ya tomorrow. I love you." I say leaning over and kissing the top of my cats head. I was just looking up at the ceiling and just thinking. It is weird that I just let out all my problems to my cat. At least they can't really betray me because they cat really talk. Anyways around 12:00 I fell asleep on my bed with my cat next to me keeping me warm and safe even in a small cat like this I have felt very safe with this cat.


Yo yo yo yo yoooooo. I am so sorry that I took to long to do this and everything. I am on vacation and I don't really have that much time. I am literally jumping with joy.  Oh and sorry about my short ass chapters. I'm trying to think of things to write and sorta having a writers block. Sorry. But yeah I hope you enjoy this chapter and keep on supporting this book it means a lot. But yeah thanks skylarstyles56 is gonna take on the next chapter. :)

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