Chapter 1

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Barry's POV:
It's been 9 months since I had been struck by lightning.

I am now The Flash

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I am now The Flash. S.T.A.R labs has been helping me with those powers. I wasn't in my suit at the moment, and I heard water trickling. And in Central City that's kinda hard to hear. It was late at night and I looked down an alleyway. There stood a girl that was making water heat up. She was using her hands and I walked down the alley and got closer to her. "Hello?" I asked. Her head shot up and she looked at me. She used telekinesis and threw a rock at me. The rock hit me in the leg and I said "ow! Hey!" She looked at me and said "stay away from me. I have something wrong with me. And it's not good." I came closer and said "hey let me help you." She whimpered and said "stop." "My name is Barry. I can help you." I replied, trying to make her feel ok. I held my hand out to her and she looked at it. I stepped closer to her and she had curly brown hair with purple tips. "Rad hair." I said with a smile. She smiled at me and I said " I can help you." Her lips curled into a frown and she said "I'm not like normal people and please just go." I saw that she was bleeding and I said "you're bleeding." She gasped and said "please go away Barry." I had enough. I picked her up and she squealed and said "my side!" I realized her whole side was bleeding. I gasped and said "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." Tears streamed down her face and she said "please just help me. It hurts." I began to run and she gasped, gripping my shoulder blades. I chuckled to myself and she looked at me like I was nuts. I stopped running when I reached the lab. I ran in and Cisco said "woah!" Caitlin looked up and said "oh my god," I set her on a stretcher and she moaned in pain. Cisco ran over and said "is it her?" Akos walked over and said "what's going on?" "I don't know. Looks like her. Where'd you find her?" Caitlin asked. "In an alley. In the city." I said. Caitlin sighed and looked at her. She grabbed the first aid kit and began to sew up her side. The purple tipped girl winced in pain as her side was being seen. "What's you're name?" I asked as I sat down next to the stretcher. She stared at the floor and said "why do you care?" I was taken aback and I said "just wondering. I'd like to know who I saved." She looked irritated and said "Hazel. My name is Hazel." I looked at her cut side and winced. Cisco said "Hazel?" "What?" She said. "We thought you were-" Caitlin began. "Dead?" Hazel interrupted. I sighed and said "I guess they thought you were dead but you're not. You're here and alive." "Is my brother alive?" Hazel asked. I shrugged and said "I don't know you're brother." Caitlin said "I have no clue if he's alive." "Wait are you talking about Hartley?" Cisco asked. Hazel nodded and Caitlin said "I'm sure he is. I haven't seen him since the..." "Since 9 months ago. Neither have I. I'm going home." "Stay here. You need to heal. And it's safe." I said. Hazel looked up at me and I gave her a soft smile. Caitlin said "that's best." Harry had a bin. There were building blocks in it. Harry rolled in and held the box out towards me. I took it from him. Hazel looked at it questioningly and Caitlin said "Barry I need to talk to you. Like now!" We walked out of the room, Harry following. Cisco said "shit man. She's way hotter now." Caitlin said "she's still the sister of Hartley." "Wait who's Hartley?" Akos asked. "What's her story?" I asked. "Hartley used to work here. He was a big part of the lab. Hazel would come in with him sometimes. And she was really shy. And she'd always back her brother. Once she warmed up to us she treated us like he did. He treated us like we weren't good for anything." Harry furrowed his eyebrows and said "the Rathaway kid right?" Cisco nodded and said "uh guys. She's doing something." I turned around and she was playing with the building blocks. They hovered in front of her face and she began to stack them in mid air. Hazel smiled and I walked into the room. The blocks fell and she backed away from me. "I won't hurt you." I said. "I don't know that." She replied. You could stab me if you want too. Plus....they don't like me." Hazel looked at Cisco and Caitlin. I said "they don't dislike you." "Just leave me alone." She said softly. "How can I do that when I wanna see your powers?" I asked as I sat on the floor across from her. There was a bowl of water and I grabbed it and set it in between us. Hazel looked at it and sighed. "Heat it. I just wanna see." I said. Hazel put her hands out in front of her and they turned red. The water began to boil and I watched it in shock. I was amazed by this girl sitting in front of me. I smiled at her.

She saw me smiling and she half smiled

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She saw me smiling and she half smiled. Akos walked into the room and said "hey. I just wanted to grab Barry for a second ok?" Hazel nodded and backed towards the wall. "It'll be ok." I said. Hazel shrugged and didn't say anything. I walked into the separate room and Akos said "Harry wants to keep her here. For a few days." I looked at Hazel and said "we should see if she has a job." Akos nodded and the both of us walked back into the room. "Do you have a job?" Akos asked. Hazel nodded and said "yes. Will I be able to return to it?" I nodded and said "yeah. In the morning you can go." Hazel nodded and didn't say anything. "You need to be in a bed so you can rest." I told her. Hazel looked up at me and I said "can I set you on the bed?" She nodded and lifted her arms up. I picked her up, careful not to touch her side. I set her on one of the beds and Akos covered her up with the blanket. "I'll see you tomorrow ok?" I asked. Akos walked away and I began to follow when I heard my name. I turned around and Hazel said "will you stay here until I fall asleep?" I nodded and pulled up a chair next to her bed. "Thanks." She whispered as she turned on her good side. "You're welcome." I replied.

Here's the first official chapter! Hope you guys like this!

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