Chapter 2

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She saw me smiling and she half smiled. Akos walked into the room and said "hey. I just wanted to grab Barry for a second ok?" Hazel nodded and backed towards the wall. "It'll be ok." I said. Hazel shrugged and didn't say anything. I walked into the separate room and Akos said "Harry wants to keep her here. For a few days." I looked at Hazel and said "we should see if she has a job." Akos nodded and the both of us walked back into the room. "Do you have a job?" Akos asked. Hazel nodded and said "yes. Will I be able to return to it?" I nodded and said "yeah. In the morning you can go." Hazel nodded and didn't say anything. "You need to be in a bed so you can rest." I told her. Hazel looked up at me and I said "can I set you on the bed?" She nodded and lifted her arms up. I picked her up, careful not to touch her side. I set her on one of the beds and Akos covered her up with the blanket. "I'll see you tomorrow ok?" I asked. Akos walked away and I began to follow when I heard my name. I turned around and Hazel said "will you stay here until I fall asleep?" I nodded and pulled up a chair next to her bed. "Thanks." She whispered as she turned on her good side. "You're welcome." I replied.
10 months before

"Oh! I'm Caitlyn Snow. I was sent here by Dr. Wells that he wants you to wort at S.T.A.R. Labs." She says holding out a note with nice handwriting on it. I take the note and look at it. And it says,

Dear Ms. Walker,
I know that you have been effected by the shockwave and all the dark matter and theoretical particles into the air. Any ways during the 3 months that you were in a coma I looked up that you have just graduated Cal tech and are now a full fledged Astro-physicist. Impressive, 25 years of age and you already have our doctorate. We'll see you when you wake up.

Dr. Harrison Wells

Wow. I don't know if I should be flattered or impressed. I JUST GOT ASKED A JOB FROM HARRISON FUCKING WELLS. Holy cows. "So, Caitlyn," I say looking at the woman. "When do I start?" Caitlyn looks very confused on why I am agreeing this offer so soon. "But I just handed you this offer and you are not thinking about it twice?" She says very sassily. "Well you just got an Astro-physicist on board."

She just rolls her eyes and walks out. I look at my friend and she rushes over to me and gives me a big hug. "I missed you so freaking much." She says letting go. "What happened when I was asleep?" I asked. "Well nothing really. Just that your cat had babies and such."  She says picking up another cat from the ground. "Shit. Really awe." I say petting light.

10 months later
It was going good, you know catching metahumans and all. I got to meet one of the most amazing scientists and got to ducking work with him. Holy fat cats. I work with Harrison freaking Wells. It is like a dream come true.

I was in the cortex with Hazel and Barry as she fell asleep in this place when it happened. When my hand got close to the light switch the light turned off. Weird. I put my hand down and walked out, "Night Barry see ya tomorrow!" I whisper yell towards him. "Night Akos." He says getting nachos from Ciscos place. I will never understand Cisco.

As I was walking out I wondered where Dr. Wells were I shrugged it off and walked out. I headed to the nearest Big Belly Burger to get. When I get into my car and the lights were on even if my keys weren't in the ignition. "Weird." I just shrug and headed home.

When I got into my house I was exhausted. I put my bags down and sat down on my couch and ate my food. Once I was finished I feed my cat the rest. Oh yeah light has gotten really fat. But she comes in handy when Mother Nature is being a bitch. Anyway, I get up and change and turn off the lights and go to sleep.

When I wake up I get up and start getting stuff ready for today. I walked into my living room/kitchen area, I see that my cat has been on my counters and my table. "Light!! What you doin there baby kitty?!" I say petting my cat. I get my food, make some pancakes for the team, then head to work.

Once I get into the cortex I see that Cisco and Caitlyn are already there. "HOLA MIS AMIGOS. ¡QUÉ TAL TU DÍA!" I say in Spanish. "¿No sabía que hablar español?" Cisco says. "Well it is one of the 5 languages that I can speak." I say sassing back. "What did you say?" Barry and Caitlyn say. "Well I said 'hello my friends.  I how is your day going.' And Cisco over here said 'I didn't know you can speak Spanish.' ALSO I BROUGHT PANCAKES!!!" I say raising the bag over my head. Every one was happy that I brought my pancakes. I passed them around to every one.

"Good morning Hazel. I brought you pancakes too." I say smiling at her. "Thanks." She murmured. "And last but not least. My favorite scientist, Dr. Harrison Wells." I say placing his pancakes in front of him. "Why does she do this?" I hear her ask Barry. "Well Cisco liked her pancakes and then she brought him some of them one time and not she has to make them all for the rest of the team." He says.

Later that day, I was rocking out to one of my favorite songs called "Indian Summer", I was heading to tune the lights off when I remembered the weird things happening when I was near or about to turn lights on and off. So I decided to try. I closed my eyes and concentrated on turning the lights off. When I did, all the lights went out. "Whoops. Gotta tell the others what happened." I say

I walk into the cortex and say, "guys... I think I'm a meta human."


Hey guys this is kw-2187 ! I hope you liked his chapter!! I know from my characters point of view is kinda boring, I am sorry me and the author is trying to work this out the best we can. Butt anyway I gots to go. I hope you like the chapter and please like and comment we work really hard on these chapters and yeah see ya next time.

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