Chapter 4

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Some what last chapter

"I'll call Barry back." Harry said. He picked up his phone and began to call Barry. Before I knew it he was standing in front of us once again. Barry knocked all the papers out of Caitlin's hands once again and she screamed in frustration. Barry smirked and Harry said "help her walk ok? I have to go deal with Akos."


I was walking away when I see a whoosh of Barry go by. Good lord I am not gonna get used to it. I was walking away when I heard the wheels of Dr. Wells' wheelchair. "Yes, Dr. Wells," I say as I turn around to face him. "Would you like to run tests on me?" He smiles and takes off his glasses and nods," Yeah I would like to."

 "Do you want me to call Caitlyn?" I say pointing back at the cortex

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"Do you want me to call Caitlyn?" I say pointing back at the cortex. "No, I'll do it myself." He says, I look down and blush a bit, not in any romantic way but in shock that he wants do it by himself. "Alright. What do you want me to do?" I say. He pulls out a syringe and a blood testing kit.
I hold out my arm for blood taking. I didn't know that I was holding onto the arm of the chair so hard that I blew out all the lights. Whoops. Then at the sight of my own blood out side of my body, I pass out.

Harrison Wells' pov
When she passed out I had to get her onto the bed. I looked around to see if anyone is watching, as I stand up and put her on the bed. I brush the hair out of her face and sit back down. Then I wheel out.

Akos Pov
I woke up like two hours later or so I just got up and then I noticed that I was on the bed next to where I passed out. Weird. I walk back to the cortex and see that every one left. Weird. I get my stuff and head out because I have nothing better to do with my life.

I was getting in my car when I remembered that I left my phone in the cortex. When I was just outside the cortex when I hear a voice. "What if she won't like me?" The voice says. "But what if she finds out who you really are." Now that I heard that I was super freaking confused. I decided that I just needed to go in there and just get my phone. I go in there and there was no one there (an I just used there four times right now. Sorry) I get into the cortex and see my phone on Ciscos computer. I grab it and head out.

I stopped by the local pizza place and got some nice hot cheese and olive pizza and some chicken strips from the place next to it. I head on home to my house when I hear my cat meowing from the other side of the door. I was confused on why my cat would be meowing she never meows, and when she does she is probably hungry. I open the door and see my cat sit down and look up at me, then I realized that she wasn't looking at me but at my pizza. "No cat you are fat enough already. You don't need any more. I got you chicken strips stop whining." I say at my already massive cat.

The next day I woke up to my cat sitting on my legs and my alarm going off. "What time is is light? GAHH FUCK. I remembered animals can't talk. Anyways gettoff of me." I say sitting up and heading to the shower. After I showered and got dressed I wondered what day it is, oh crap it is Saturday. Yesssssss. Sleep. As was about to lay back down on my bed, my phone rings. I look at who it is and it is Cisco. "POR QUÉ. I was just about to fall asleep." I say as my fat cat jumps on the bed. "Well sorry Barry is freaking fighting some dude." He says hurriedly. "Ok, I'm on my way." I say hanging up the phone. "I got to go baby kitty. I'll see you when I get home." I say petting my cat.

Once I get into the cortex I see Hazel and Barry chatting about something. They seem to be getting along well. I shrug and not think about how my love life is boring because I live with a fat cat that I love unconditionally and have nothing interesting about my life.  Wow I have no life.

"Was happening now who was the guy that you guys were fighting Barry and Hazel." I say putting down my stuff. "I need you and Francisco to make me a suit, because Barry over here almost burned my shirt bc of high speeds apparently." Hazel says. I nod and Cisco says," why'd she have to use my real name." "Whatever," I say." Francisco." I walk off to start on the suit when Hazel comes over and asks me to talk about something.

"Hey Hazel!" I say as I step out of Ciscos weird lab place. It was weird there was like a nacho machine. Weird child he was. "Hey Akos," she says. "It feels so weird to be the only person who is not smart. At least Barry somewhat gets what it is like to be not stupid."

"You are not stupid. At least you have some one that likes you. I don't. Heh, I literally go home to a cat the weighs the same as a small child. I literally have nothing interesting about myself. At least you got a guy who thinks your interesting." I say. "Well when you walked in, the other day when you were handing out the pancakes. Harry was looking at you like really weirdly. It was weird but," she said and leaned in and whispered...


CLLLIIIFFFFF HANGERRRR. WHOOPS sorry I had too. :p anyways. I hope you like this chapter to me this was ass cheeks. But we got LLLOOOOVVVEEEEE INTERESTS. WOOOO. Any who I would like to thank you for reading this and staying with us for these 6 chapters. But I hoped you have a great time reading this and yeah! Don't forget to like and comment it would really help us know what to write.

Peace my dudes see yah next time in chapter 7 with skylarstyles56 's chapter.

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