Chapter one

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Kit's POV

"I have an idea." I said turning towards my best friend, Ty.

"Oh no."

"No. It's a good one this time. At least I think." He leaned forward and grabbed a slice of pizza, nodding to signal me to continue. I took a deep breath, "I was thinking... what if we moved in together."

I glanced up, trying to read his face, but he was expressionless. After a couple minutes he said, "What about the others?"

"Julian will be fine considering Diana runs the institute now with him and Mark is back, Emma can handle herself but if not she has Cristina and Jules, Dru will be okay and Tavvy should be too. Besides we won't move far just out of the institute and we can always visit. We don't have to it was just a thought, it could be fun. But never mind its dumb." I was rambling now. I didn't know why I was so nervous.

"I think it's a good idea but only if everyone is okay with it, oh and if Livvy can come."

"Really?" I smiled wide. Some part of me expected him to say no. "Well we should tell Livvy and we can ask Julian and Diana tomorrow."

He nodded in agreement and we went upstairs to find his twin. I had lived with the Blackthorns in the institute for three years now ever since my dad was killed by demons and  found out I am apparently  a long loss shadowhunter. The relative of the famous Jace Herondale who had saved the world  with his friends Clary Fairchild, Simon Lewis/Lovelace, Magnus Bane, and Isabelle and Alec Lightwood, but that's another story. I was taken to the institute and some crazy dude tried to bring back this chick from the dead and stuff and Ive lived here ever since.

The Blackthorns are an extremely close family and also an extremely nice one. Helen is the oldest and is married to     Penhallow they live in idris, Mark is the second oldest and they are both half fairy, Julian is next he basically became the dad after theirs was killed and mark and Helen were exiled for their fairy blood, he's an artist, next is Emma Carstairs technically not a Blackthorn but pretty close, she's julian's parabati, Ty and Livvy are twins and are very smart, then Dru is really into horror movies and tavvy is last, he's the baby of the family. Cristina Rosales also lives in the institute and is Emmas best friend. Diana is our tutor and we're all basically a huge family.

We came to Livvy's door and twisted the knob, stepping into the room. She was sitting on her bed reading and didn't even glance up.

"What do you want?" I immediately flopped down next to her and grabbed her book, holding it above my head knowing she wouldn't reach since I was a lot taller. She crossed her arms  over her chest and sighed. "What Kit?"

"We wanna ask everyone if its okay if we all three move in together"

"Well I say yes. Now give back my book and get out." I gave her back her book and we reluctantly left her room.

The next day I woke up at exactly five a.m. for my 5: 20 beach run with Emma.
When I got back at 7, I hopped in the shower and quickly rinsed offand went down the hall to the twins room. We had agreed to tell everyone over breakfast, since we had no plans for the day and could go apartment hunting if they agreed. Livvy was leaning against the wall outside Ty's room. She was wearing her hair down and had on leggings and a T-shirt that spelt out bruh in sign language on it.
I stood on the wall across from her and she looked up at me with her famous Blackthorn blue-green eyes. (Everyone except Mark and Ty had them)

"You know Ty is very set on all of us moving out. So if they say no I'm blaming you for getting his hopes up." I nodded, remebering the time three years earlier when she had lectured me about how I was getting close to Ty and how he was different. Livvy is very protective over her family especially Ty. Its one of the things I like best about her. Her lips parted like she was about to say something else when Ty walked out of his room in his usual oversized sweater and messy black hair, earbuds in hand.

"Let's go." He said and we headed downstairs for breakfast.

Today is pancake day, and Julian and Mark were in the kitchen cooking. We waited for everyone to have sat down and start eating, then Livvy shoved me and I cleared my throat.

"So Ty, Livvy, and I have something we want to ask."

I started to open my mouth again but quickly shut it as Livvy took over, deciding she was in charge.

"Kit had an idea and we decided we all want to move in together." She went into detail and explained the plan. When she finished we all stared at them, waiting for a reaction. After what seemed like forever but was probably only a minute, Julian finally replied.

"I think that will work, I mean we don't really have to stay at the institute."

"But it has to be close, like walking distance." Emma said, finishing her parabati's thought. I nodded and we looked to Mark.

"I'm fine with it, but I keep forgetting that you guys are 18 after I missed so much with the hunt." I saw Cristina grab his hand for comfort. They had been dating for a long time now after the Kieran stuff died down.

"As long as you take weapons." Diana stated. Dru and Tavvy only nodded, saying sure.

"So I guess it's settled. You can start looking after breakfast."

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