Chapter 10

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Kits POV

"Uh, sorry what?" I asked, bewildered by Tys outburst. He'd come barging into the training room with a look of passionate hatred in his gray eyes. Admittedly something about his intense glare and the way you could see the muscles under his skin flexing while he crossed his arms was...confusingly attractive to me and reminded me of the first time we'd ever met and the knife to my neck. By the angel Kit, Focus!

"That little bi- I mean, your Oh so lovely girlfriend,
dump her. Like now. I was in the library and I overheard her on the phone talking about some demonic plan with her father? It doesn't matter, point is you're being used because of your insanely hot exterior. Er- because she finds you hot and your Herondale status." He was rambling, something extremely rare in the life of Tiberius Blackthorn. He always thought everything through, was never rash, and his words were only spoken with importance and purpose behind them.

Worried I asked him to sit down and explain word for word everything Aria had said. "Welllll? Are you breaking up with her or what?"

"Of course I am Ty, just let me process this whole thing okay?" I stand up and pace the floor, why in the world am I a part of Arias ridiculous plan? I mean sure I'm related to Jace who is a special breed of shadowhunter and runs an institute, and so does Jules who's like a brother to me, and I did help take down Annabel in the serious necrophiliac events, but seriously I don't do anything personally. What does she want anyways? As I'm thinking, Ty suddenly gets up and puts a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

He doesn't say anything, just removes his hand and briefly makes eye contact, all enough for me to understand he's calm now and he's sorry for me. I find my eyes wandering again, looking at his lips and the curve of his cupids bow, finding the stray piece of hair and having the urge to reach out and move it out of his eyes which I've always found intriguing. Just as I almost gave in, Aria walked into the room.

"There you are babes, I've been looking for you. She walked over to me and made as if to kiss my cheek but I backed away.

"Listen, we're gonna need to talk."
************************************ Arias POV

Kit lead me back to me room, his footsteps rushed and shoulders tense, a clear sign this was not good news. I followed silently, unsure of how to approach the situation. I have to act worried and scared, act like I really liked him. And it has to be convincing.

"Kit, what's going on? You're scaring me", I fake once the door shuts behind him.

He whirled around and upon seeing my face his expression changed from pissed to tired and frustrated, " Just sit down Ari," he sighed. I sat down on the edge of my bed, playing with the lose threads on my sweater and looking up at him through my eyelashes, trying to seem innocent and nervous. " Look I don't want to accuse you of anything but-"

"But what?" I asked, tilting my head to the side like a confused puppy. Shit he knows he knows he knows. Calm down don't assume the worst, breathe and act naive.

"I know you slapped Livvy when you came over and I know you're planning something with your father, I just dont know what. All I know is that it involves using me. You forced me into this relationship and I let you but I will end it right here and now if you dont tell me what's going on. And if you touch another hair on any member of my family's heads you will regret it. Am I clear? Good. Now start fucking explaining."

I sat silent for a moment, feeling his harsh glare watching me. " I-I Kit, I would never do something like that, he's lying," his head snapped toward me and I put my hand on his arm," you know he doesn't like me. I love y-" I start to laugh. "I said the wrong thing, didn't I? Your little Tiberius wouldnt lie to you right? Oh Christopher, I underestimated you."

I looked at his shocked expression as it hardened into a cold glare.  I'm not worried to speak my mind anymore. Whats the point if he already knows. How much he knows I'm not sure but at least I dont have to sit around and pretend to be so lovey innocent gross with him.

"Not that it's really any if your business, but me and my dad are planning to put the world back in the right order. You know, no downworlders and shadowhunter friendships, marriages, anything. No halfbreeds. No Fairy. Warlocks dont get paid, helping us is what they're supposed to do. No shadow markets. A distinct dictated place for each species. No mingling, no nothing. Helen and Mark and the like locked in Alicante prison. Etc. Etc."

"Okay calm down Adolf. What does this even have to do with you other than the fact that you dislike downworlders? Disgusted by some fangs and claws? You're a god damn shadowhunter you're supposed to handle and be used to this shit why can't you just accept it too? I don't get you Aria. I dont get it."

"Of course you wouldn't," I scoff, " but why should downworlders get to have special abilities inaccessible to us shadowhunters, the superior race? We're the ones meant to be better than humans, created by Raziel himself, meant to rid the earth of demons. But this isnt just about putting them in their place." Since everyone found out about the angel blood given to Clary Fairchilds mother while she was pregnant being the reason she can create new runes, my dad has been experimenting himself. I've been injecting angel blood into my veins twice a week and last week I was finally able to create something. Well, not something complete but still I felt accomplished.

Not that I'm gonna tell him that.
Not that he needs to know anyways.

"It doesn't matter what this is about and what's in it for me. What matter is that you're not going to let a single word of this pass your lips, understood? Ive got a secret of yours I can share."

Kits POV

My heart is racing and my mind overflowing with all the information Aria just speed ranted into my brain. As I catch up to speed and register her last words, the pace quickens and my jaw tightens. Energy crackles through my body. "What secret?"

"That you, Christopher Herondale, are gay...for a Blackthorn."

I exhale a lot less panicked than before, " you can't exactly prove that Aria." I laugh a little no longer concerned, I can just tell Julian or even Alec if it comes to that. She can't prove my feelings for Ty. With his curly black hair and his uncharacteristic to his family gray eyes. His different view on life. His indifference to his mental disability. His beautiful personality and looks. His knack for solving mysteries. His fighters ability.  The way he is with his family, keeping a stuffed bee from Jules to this day in our apartment. His intelligence. He's amazing.

But am I ready for him to know that I think all those thing?

And more?

I scoff though, allowing Aria a chance to realize her idiocy. However she stares back unwavering, "Oh, also that you're part fairy and a descendent of the First Heir. With a deformation of advantage and special powers."

A deformation? How does that even logic? But its effective and it shuts me up. Shit. I can't be hunted again, I cant go live with Tessa and Jem again, it was too much to be away from the Blackthorns, especially the twins and Drusilla. I cant put them in danger.

"What do I have to do?"


Okay hi...yes I know how long its been and yes I am sorry. But trust me if you knew everything that's been happening could you blame me? I also wanted to finish QOAD before publishing again so I didnt majorly contradict anything. I wrote some vignettes about everything that's been happening in my life though for an English class so lemme know if I should publish thoughts. Mkay I hope this was decent and you enjoyed it. I'm sorry it took so long. Also thank you all so much for 2.51k reads!! Like are you kidding??? Keep reading and voting I love you guys!💕

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