Chapter Two

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After breakfast, I quickly changed into a gray sweatshirt with black ripped jeans, pulled on my converse, and headed out the door where Ty and Livvy were waiting.

"I found some listings online last night that we can check out, so lets go." Ty told us. We got into my black truck that I had  recently got, courtesy of Jace, and headed out the gates.

A couple hours later we stopped for lunch and then Ty told us we only had one last place to check out.

We pulled up to an old looking brick building and saw the lady who was showing the place standing on the steps. She had curly blonde hair and probably the cheesiest smile I've ever seen.
"Hello, I'm Harper Brooks and you must be Ty Blackthorn. You're cuter than I thought you would be. Anyways let's go inside and get a look at the place, shall we?"
We followed her around the apartment as she showed it to us, shamelessly flirting with Ty the whole time.
"If you could let us discuss in alone that would be great Harper." Ty told her.
"Of course."
As soon as she left I turned and said, "I hate that woman."
"Why cause she flirted with Ty instead of you?" Livvy teased.
"She wasn't flirting with me."
"She so was."
"Liv's right but that not important right now. What do you think of the place?" I asked.

It was really nice. Probably not considered walking distance to mundanes but for shadowhunters it was fine. It was a two story building all part of one place. The first story consisted of an open floor plan kitchen and living room with a closed of bathroom and bedroom and a small library/office. Leading up to the second floor was a spiral staircase and the on it were two bedrooms and a bathroom.

"I like it," Livvy said, "and I think we should get it."

"Me too, " Ty agreed.

"Alright then lets get it."
Time jump one week

After going back to the institute and telling everyone about the place we packed up and loaded our stuff into my truck. Since the house came furnished, there wasn't a whole lot we needed to bring. We had made an offer on the house and managed to get it a little under asking price. Livvy had claimed the downstairs room for herself meaning me and Ty had to share the top floor.

Right now we were all standing on the step and sidewalk outside our new home. Julian handed me the last box and I went and set it on the counter then came back outside to say goodbye. Ty and Livvy were in a bear hug with Julian and Mark (Ty looking slightly uncomfortable) and Emma raced up the steps to hug me.
"Kit, you and Livvy watch out for Ty okay? He's going to have trouble adjusting. Call me or Jules if you need anything." She pulled away and gave me a weak smile.

Desperate to make the situation less emotional I smiled and said, " Crying Carstairs?"

"You wish Herondale," she teased.

After everyone had said there good byes and it was just us three left, Livvy stepped in between us, throwing an arm over each of our shoulders (with some difficulty considering my height).
"We're on our own now boys," she grinned and then turned around, opening the door.

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