Chapter five

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Kits POV
We arrived at the pier and got out of the truck.  I stopped at the sign and bowed, "Welcome to Santa Monica." Aria giggled and looked around.

"Oh,look! Theres a stuffed dog! Win it for me Kit?" She asked.

"Umm meet you guys at the wheel later?" Aria smiled and grabbed my arm pulling me towards the games.
Livvys POV
Aria pulled Kit away and it was just me, Ty, and Hunter left. "Lets go on Pacific Plunge," I suggested.

Ty shook his head, "I'll stay here."

Hunter shrugged and we went to stand in line. Hunter was really nice and his accent made me melt, not to mention him being really hot. It was like Jace and Simon had a child. Perfection. We had been flirting with each other in the car but I wasn't sure how I felt. I mean, what about Kit? I had been feeling something towards him recently. I just didn't know what. I shook it off as it was our turn to get on and took my seat next to Hunter.
Kits POV
Once I  had won Aria the dog and walked around a bit, going on rides, we got some cotton candy and headed to the wheel. Livvy and Hunter were there eating kettle corn and Ty was a little bit away from them.

"Hey guys," Livvy said waving us over. Aria headed over to them and I walked over to Ty.

"Hey. You gonna go on the wheel with us?"

"No, I don't feel like being a third wheel."

"What are you talking about? You're not a third wheel." He gave me a look like dude, come on "Okay so maybe Aria is a little into me. You can ride with Hunter and Livvy." I grabbed his arm carefully and tugged him towards the group, "You'll very fine." Rolling his eyes, he follows me to the line.

Immediately Aria steps to my side and I nervously glance I Ty. He mouths an I told you and goes to stand behind Livvy and Hunter.

We get on the ride and she scoots closer to me. Almost like its a reflex I put my arm around her as we go higher up the wheel. It stops at the very type while more people get on and she sits up, putting her hands on the edge and looking out.

"It's beautiful,"she says in awe.

"It is isn't it." She turns back around and I already know what's going to happen next. A million thoughs race through my head about mostly Ty and   the others about if I even like girls. But as she leaned forword my straight part won and I thought whatever people have to think you're straight anyways, right? And suddenly I couldn't rethink because we were kissing. It was short and sweet, lasting until the ride started up again but it was nice. I pulled away first and she smiled up at me then layer her head on my shoulder looked back out at the view.

Livvys POVKit had convinced Ty to get on the wheel with us and now me, Hunter, and him are on the ride together

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Livvys POV
Kit had convinced Ty to get on the wheel with us and now me, Hunter, and him are on the ride together. Ty sat across from us and looked out at the view.

"It's amazing isn't it," I said.

"Almost as pretty as you," Hunter shyly says in his adorable accent and turns to look at me. I glance at my brother to see if he heard but his earbuds are in and he's not paying attention. I turn back to Hunter and smile. The ride suddenly stops at the bottom and it's our turn to get off.

We wait for Aria and Kit to get off and then decide to head back. We all pile into the car and Kit drives back to the institute where we drop Aria and Hunter off and then head home. Kit and Ty immediately head up stairs and I go to my room.

To confused to sleep I lay in bed and stare at the celing thinking. I liked Hunter despite the fact that we had just met but I was really confused about Kit and before I acted on anything with Hunter, I needed to sort those feelings out. I finally drifted off around 2 a.m. wondering how exactly I was gonna do that.

Hey so woah that was quick. Aria is a little bit eager. This chapter is a little longer than my other ones. Oops. But I couldn't stop writing it so oh well. Thanks for reading! 💕

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