Chapter 8

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Hunters POV

After Livvy kissed Kit last night and Aria dragged me out of the apartment, I've been super confused. We've been flirting back and forth since we meet and yesterday, before the whole kissing Kit thing, I thought she really liked me. But I guess I was wrong. I sit up in bed as my phone buzzes, showing a call from Livvy. Ignoring it I check the time, 1:45. Deciding I should check on Aria considering she is actually dating Kit, I pull on some clothes and head to her room. As I'm about to knock on her door I hear her talking to someone.

" I know dad, I know.... No I didn't know she liked him... Yes I'm taking care of it, I won't let it happen again.... Yes dad I remember the plan, marry an Herondale, get the institute, ultimate power, change the shadowhunter world for the better blah blah blah. I have it under control, alright?... No Hunter doesn't know but I still think you should tell him. Look I gotta go I think someone's here."

Pulling away from the door I quickly run back to my room and ducked inside. Arias been lying this whole time. I've known her since birth quite literally. Our birthdays are two days apart. We've gone to the same institute and done everything together. Last year she told me we should take our travel year together and when we went back to London we were gonna be parbatai but now its like I don't even now who she is.

I grab my bag and start packing. I have no reason to be here anymore, Livvy likes Kit and Aria is a... a... what's the word? Oh yeah a lying little bitch. So why stay? As I sling the bag over my shoulder the door opens and Julian walks in.

"Hunt-" he stops seeing my bag, "you wanna take your anger about whatever it is making you want to leave on one last training session? If you still want to leave I'll let you, you can even take a couple knifes."

I shrug and reluctantly follow him to the training room. We got changed and headed in, I go straight to the throwing knives and throw the first one at the target. It lands two inches below the head. Another, half an inch from the heart. I pick up another and get ready to throw when,


"Liv," I look at Julian, " seriously Jules?" He just shrugs at me and mouths sorry as he leaves. I turn to see her leaning against the wall. "Can I help you?"

" I came to explain." The next knife I throw hits dead center. "Okay, so I know it might seem like I was leading you on when you never had a chance but I'm not. I do actually like you Hunter. I was just having confusing feeling towards Kit but I've sorted them out now. Its more of a brotherly love not romantic. Did you see how drunk I had to get just to do that? If I actually liked him I wouldn't have felt the need to do that. Don't be mad at me.... Wont you say something Hunter? silent treatment huh? Okay well I also came to give you a chance to apologize."

At that I whirl around, " Apologize?! Me? What in the bloody hell for? I mean I guess I'm being overdramatic but no way in hell am I apologizing for it."

She smirks, " Got you talking didn't I? Look how about we start over and forget about the Kit thing? Okay"

I stare at her and then finally hold out and hand, " Hunter Ashwood, pleasure to meet you."

Livvy smiles and takes my hand, " Livvy Blackthorn." She says, then stands on her tip-toes and kisses me.

After Livvy kissed Kit I'm been so mad
I haven't come out of my room. Angry at her because well I'm not sure, angry at him for dating Aria when he deserves so much better, angry at Aria because she's dating Kit in the most forced way ever and she hit Livvy, and angry at myself for not being able to tell anyone.

Just then I hear a knock on my door and it swings open, revealing a half obscured Livvy and Hunter. "Heyyyyy you okay Ty?" I give her an answering glare and put my headphones back in. She looked nervously at Hunter and he gave her an encouraging nod. Livvy walks across the room and unplugs the headphones from my phone. I cross my arms and look at her, knowing she wont leave until I let her speak.

"Look Ty, again I'm sorry for kissing Kit even though you like him but I was dr-"

"Yeah yeah, you were drunk I know but I'm not mad at you because you kissed him. I don't even think I'm mad at YOU."

"Your not?" she tilts her head, looking like a confused puppy.

"No I think it's just a mad at myself thing you know?" I say breaking eye contact because if I had had to hold it one second longer I would have broke.

Livvy nods, understanding the unspoken and unexplainable like only Livvy and Ty could. "Well as long as your not mad then get up. Mark said there's a surprise at the Institute, so pack your bags because we're spending a couple days there."
And with that she left.
Kits POV

A little after Aria leaves, I get a text from Emma telling me that there's a surprise at the Institute and asking if we all wanted to spend a couple days there. I immediately say yes and start shoving things into my bag. I open my door to leave when I run smack into Ty, letting out an oof at the contact. We fell to the ground, leaving us in the awkward position of me sprawled across his chest.

"S-sorry," he mumbled, his checks turning the slightest shade of pink. I quickly got off him and stood up, offering a hand to help him up. He took it, getting to his feet, "I was just coming to see if you heard about the suprise." I couldn't help the smirk that took over my face at the flustered way he played with the hem of his sweater.

I nod, walking past him and continuing down the hallway. He follows me into the living room where I see Livvy waiting by the couch expectantly. She throws me my keys and we all head to my car.

Pulling up at the institute and quickly parking, I rush up the steps eager to see what exactly the suprise was. About halfway up, Emma opened the door with Julian standing right behind her and my grin widened. Immediately Emma threw her arms around me, pulling me in for quite possibly the tighest hug if my life. She pulled away and then urged all of us inside.

When the door closed behind us and she had gotten to hug Livvy and Ty, she turned and yelled up the stairs, "Everyone! They're here!" After that the rest of the mismatched "Blackthorn" family came rushing down the stairs and there was a never ending series of hugs and' how are you's to get through, acting like we hadn't seen each other for 2 years. When the hellos were over, I cleared my throat and spoke up, " So I was promised a suprise?"

"Of course and it should be here in three... two... one!" Julian counted and sure enough a portale was appearing in the entry way.

As it took shape to slight figures ran out followed by to more slightly composed ones, a happy figure stepped forward, "So did you miss me?"


Sorry this is a very delayed update but my phone has been broken but I got a new one so it should be working fine now so updates will only be long awaiting because I'm lazy and cant write. Anywho thank you all for almost 740 reads!!! I know that's not a lot compared to other works but its more than I ever hoped for so please keep reading and voting I love you guys💕

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