Chapter 11

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Kits POV

"I have a strict no deals with the Devil policy" I say even though I just made a deal with the Devils daughter no more than an hour ago. After Aria threatened the outing of my secret I knew I had to agree. If she told the right people, it would put the Blackthorns in danger. It would put my Ty in danger.

No, not your Ty. I forcibly remind myself, Never. Not with what you have to do. I shove the vampire harder against the wall, my blade against his throat the only steady thing about me.  As soon as I could leave Aria's room, I ran to put on gear. All I brought with me was two seraph blades, my blessed sword and a stele and luckily enough I ran into three not so lucky vampires breaking the accords. I'd dispatched two already and now this one wants to beg for its life.

Just as I'm about to open my mouth again, four more vamps jump into the alley from the rooftops. He wasn't begging, I realize, he was buying time.
I whirl around and swing my sword, arcing a wide circle around me that forces them to move backwards. I stab outwards but I'm not inflicting more than a slight injury to each vampire. I survey my surroundings and find a stack off empty pallets against one side of the alley and hop to the top. Quickly I turn around and severe the head from the body of one vampire who tried to follow. I kill two more then jump down rolling and bringing the blade down mere inches from anothers unbeating heart.

The speed of vampires shines through as he evades all my blows. I finally back him into a corner and as I start the killing move, an arm wraps around my throat. The original vamp who I had pressed against the wall now snarls at me, showing fangs. He's bleeding from his side and is leaning heavily against me despite continuing to tighten his hold.

"Stupid arrogant Herondales, always thinking you can take out your melodramatic shit on us? Well I'll tell you something shadowhunter, we're better than you and stronger and WE deserve the recognition all downworlders you angelic pieces of-"  Through the vamps talk, I hadn't been struggling too much other than my natural instinct to survival. I let myself sink back and stop fighting. I deserve this. To die. At least if I'm dead no one can get hurt and the riders can't come and no one can touch Ty or Livvy or Emma or anyone near me. Just as his words are fading and my eyes are closed, all the beauty of the world passing before them; Livvy with her saber, holding Ty on the institute roof so long ago, holding Mina, training with Jem, Magnus's magic, Dru and me watching a horror movie, Ty with a knife to my throat, Ty with his headphones in and his head over a book, black curls falling over his eyes, Ty, Ty, Ty.  

I need to protect him.

But as my eyes flutter the arm across my throat is thrown violently off and I fall to the ground. A figure all shadowhunter black and blackthorn brown takes the vampire down and holds him there with her boot. "You were saying?" I crane my neck from my place on the cement as Livvy kicks the guy in the stomach and comes over to me. "You self destructive idiot what were you thinking?" She says as she offers to help me up. I take her outstretched hand and she pushes me in the direction of my truck. "Lets get to the institute before you try to get yourself killed again."
Livvys POV

We drive back in silence but when we pull in and he kills the engine, I reach for his arm. "Stay, lets talk." He turns towards me then shakes his head.

"There's nothing to talk about Liv. Just got overpowered fighting some accord breaking downworlders."

"But Kit- theres no way that could have happened, you didnt even struggle and you know you're stronger than that, so why-"

"I said there's nothing to talk about. Leave it alone." I could hear the tension all through his voice but he opened the door and stalked out before I could comment, leaving me chasing after him to the door.

"Christopher Jonathan Herondales get back here and talk to me!" I chase him up the stairs and catch at his wrist. "You dont get to run away from this."

"I'm fine, I promise. Perfectly peachy."

"Fine, be that way. But if you had got yourself killed what wouldve happened huh? What about the rest of us did you think of that? Me and Ty? Aria?" He looks up at me and his eyes are full of hate and regret but as soon as I see it it disappears and he just shrugs.

"I didn't die though" He says and with that he shuts the door.
Kits POV

The next morning I wake up being able to feel every swallow and heartbeat like a punch in the throat. I roll over and reach for the stele on my nightstand only to find it missing. Staggering out of bed I go to search the room as the door opens and Livvy is leaning against its frame.

"Looking for this?" I glare at here and reach to take it but she pulls back. "No sir you got yourself those bruises and now you've got to deal with them the mundane way." I roll my eyes, stand up, and close the door again, making sure to lock it this time.

I look into the mirror on the back of the door at to see the darkening bruises on my neck and put on a shirt. Who cares anyway? Making me heal over time won't get anything out of me.

I head down the steps and make my way to the kitchen, prepared to fake it till I make it, and just as expected I find Aria already there. She looks up as the door shuts and her eyes widen a bit. "Love what happened to your neck?" I just grab a mug and head to the coffee maker.

"Your boyfriend picked a fight and now he has to learn not to." Libby sighs.

"Oh well I don't mind, the beat up look is kinda hot." I feel her come up next to me and places a kiss on my jaw, which immediately clenched. It takes every ounce of self restraint in me to not slam her head into the counter. "In fact I think we're gonna have to go handle this back in my room." She tugs on my hand a little too hard, signaling and I can't refuse and I just follow her out of the room, trying very hard not to look at livvy.

As soon as we're out I pull my hand away and cross my arms. Leaning against the wall. "What?"

"We have to talk, and I said my room not here. We need to get started."

"Sounds like a personal problem"

"It'll be your problem if you keep being an asshole. You do what I say now remember? At any second I can tell-" She suddenly stops and steps towards me. Putting my hand on her hips and forcing her lips on mine. I can hear the footsteps on the stairs and i know I have to play my part so I don't pull away but instead I kiss her back and move one hand slightly down, pulling her body against mine.

She pulls away and I look up at who i was guessing was Liv only to be met with Tys furious and betrayed gaze. Aria apologetically smiles at him and he walks away.

"Ty!" I call, but Aria grabs my hand again and pulls me up the stairs to her room.

"I need you to do something as part of my plan, our plan. I need you to get me those pictures of the Black Volume of the Dead."

So hi this is kinda really bad and yeah ik I suck at updating I'm sorry and I decided to stop saying I promise to update soon because obviously don't keep those promises. So I'll update when I have something ready and kind of decent. I do feel bad for not updating closer together and keeping you waiting but thank you all so much for your support I never could've thought people would actually read and enjoy my work so thank you so much. Keep reading and voting I love you guys💕

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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