Chapter 9

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Kits POV

"Magnus!" Emma yelled and the cycle of hugs began again. Christina and Mark took Max and Raphael upstairs, giving the tired parents a break.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Livvy asks, hugging an awkward looking Alec.

"Well we've heard reports of-"

"Alexander and I just thought we'd drop in, its been a while. I heard you had guests as well? Ashwood and Rose something or the other?" The charismatic warlock hurriedly cut off his boyfriend.

"Oh yes they should be down any second."

The large group of teens plus one immortal moved into the kitchen and dining room.Crowding around the table and finding seats on counters while a blue skinned toddler and his brother scurried around the room.
Soon enough Aria came into the room with a trailing Hunter who immediately found Livvy and hopped onto the counter beside her. I watched as Aria made her way over to me and leaned in kissing me in what can only be described as too passionately for a public setting as then took her seat with a smile. Honestly I want that suprised with the display as she was normally over the top and attention drawing. I looked up at the sound of Magnus clearing his throat.

"Interesting, I see the Blackthorns really know how to treat their guests."
His cat eyes flicked over me Livvy and Hunter then Aria, ending with a wink at me.

A stiff laugh came from behind me," So you're the notorious Magnus Bane. Hunter Ashwood, its a pleasure." He stuck his hand out to shake Magnus's to which he slightly shook his head at.

"The Ashwoods, not particularly fond of me. But this one," he turned to face Aria, " why I haven't had the pleasure of offending the Rosemark family yet"

Aria smiled, " Don't worry I'm sure I've done enough of that already."As everyone started becoming more and more involved in there own conversations I started to tune out,staring at nothing. I sense Aria get up, saying something about a phone call.Figuring I had a chance to slip out, I stand and head for the training room.
Ty's POV

Despite getting better at dealing with social situations in the past years that many people in one place was still way to overwhelming so first chance I had I came to find a quiet place in the institute. After a while I hear someone else's footsteps. From the forgot upper level corner I watch Aria walk in. Just the sight of her made me uneasy. Something about her to me was Maybe it was just me and my stupid crush on Kit but her perfect messy bun, bandana, crop top combo just posses me off. As I stood up to leave I catch the sound of a conversation and curious I crouch down,remembering when I used to spy on Clave meetings.

I stayed silent as Aria paced back and forth,playing with her press on nails. Ugh." Don't get all mad, I'm only calling because its important. Dad wont pick up. But Alec Lightwood and that disgusting downworlder just portaled in. Something about the Clave getting reports but Magnus is covering it as a drop by...I'm betting demonic activity, dont raise the levels that much we cant risk extra attention those bloody impures are enough...oh don't worry about her, she's back on Hunter now the slut...haha the Herondale boy...yes he's hot. Not Jace hot but its there...if dad's gonna use me as a pawn then why cant I have some fun of my own..."
I went into the kitchen to see if Kit was still in there and then headed straight for the training room. Throwing the door open I find Kit changing into gear," Hey man, you ok-"

Not giving a shit about what he was gonna stay or the state of his half-naked state I cut him off, " Christopher Herondale if you dont break up with that stupid whore I swear to god I'll do it for you."

Yep hi. Suprise I'm alive. I know, its been a while but like I swear I have reasons but its a loooonnngggg story. Anywho hopefully this isnt too bad.
P.S. Danny if youre still reading😒

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