Chapter 1 : Girl Meets Tree

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Waking up to birds chirping is a nice feeling isn't it? The fact that Arcadia could wake up and put on her bunny slippers without yawning pleased her. Arcadia was without a doubt a morning person. Gets up at the same time, does her morning routine at the exact same time everyday. After she gets up, she will make a cup of mint hot chocolate and sit down to read a chapter of her current book. After, she will put her cup in the sink, and find a cute outfit to match the day's weather. After that was when she would make a delicious breakfast of banana pancakes, banana waffles, or muffins/pastries. After her little morning routine, she would do her minimal amount of chores and head outside for her morning walk. It was the same everyday, and Arcadia never got tired of it.

This morning, after her breakfast of banana pancakes, she heaved a sigh as she picked up her mother's mess in the study. Her mother, Georgia Rose, was a 2D artist. She was one of the messiest people Arcadia had ever seen, and so it had became a habit to clean up, and put any papers with drawings on her desk. Arcadia was going to leave the study after she was done cleaning up, but then she remembered the conversations she and her mother had yesterday afternoon.

"Arcadia, look at this." Her mother says, pointing to an article in the newspaper. "Says here that the community is opening a nature reserve park known as Mongolia Park, named after the Mongolia trees they'll be planting. It also says that anyone who would like to come and help can be a member of the committee there! Being a part of the committee means that you will have meetings to help improve the park, and add new features, it sounds like something you'd be interested in." Her mother says, reading in a relatively slow pace.

"That does sound like fun." Her mother smiles. "I had a feeling you say that"

Arcadia smiles slightly, plopping down in her mother's computer chair. After doing some research, she prints out a map to the new park. It was a small walk to get there, which didn't bother Arcadia: she loved taking walks, especially early morning before the sun had rose. Once she had arrived, she noticed the construction machines, and the small group of people who gathered to help. A man in his early twenties stand on a hand-carved stump. "May i get your attention everyone? I need to get you all recorded for the committee. So please, in order of how you are stood, say your name and age." Arcadia seemed at the beginning of the line.

"My name is Arcadia, and i'm eighteen." Arcadia said, making sure to wait and see if the other end wanted to go up first. It was an hour later that the rain started to fall.

"Okay everyone, that's a wrap!" Said the chairman, who Arcadia learned was called Sage. Then, in a rough, striking movement lighting struck right beside Arcadia. She started to run. but it chased her. She wasn't perusing her surroundings much, and she hoped she wouldn't run into anything. She was trying to get away from the lighting. She ran into something. A tree, to be exact. And it had to be of the most painful things she ever felt. Everyone in the park could hear the smack of her body and head hitting that massive, hard oak. Arcadia's vision blacked as she felt like a rag doll; limp, to cold, wet ground.

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