Chapter 5: What's a Totoro?

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"This, Arcadia, is Malexia's most famous zoo; Mystic Meadows." Arcadia looked at the beautiful zoo in awe. Unlike normal zoos, all the mystic animals here looked happy, and playful. Joey smiled as he saw how happy Arcadia. "This zoo is famous for letting you adopt one of these mystical animals. I was thinking we could get you a Totoro; you were so obsessed with them before the accident." "I'd love one! But what's a Totoro?" Joey chuckles. "You'll see." Joey took Arcadia to all the other areas, leaving the Totoro section for last. Along the way, Arcadia and Joey had picked up some souvenirs. Arcadia and Joey were now wearing flower crowns, and each got a back of magical candy, which the two planned to eat later. After what felt like forever to Arcadia, they arrived at a large building. "This is where the Totoros are being kept. It's Kinda like a petting zoo." Joey explained as he opened the door for Arcadia. Arcadia's eyes were wide with wonder as she stared at the various Totoros. "They're so cute!" She squealed as she played with each of the Totoros. Joey just leaned up against the wall, chuckling at Arcadia as memories came back. Joey had planned to propose to Arcadia here, at one of her favorite places. She would play with the Totoros, and he would find which one she liked best. Then he'd find some way to get her to leave, and write the message on a whiteboard that the Totoro would hold. Joey sighed longingly, wishing he had never been so rude to cause the accident. Even though 

Arcadia's life had been reset, Joey still loved her as he did before the accident. But the fact that Joey has to restart his progress with Arcadia frustrated him. No one likes restarting something, especially a relationship. It was that moment, and that moment only that Joey considered taking his mother's advice. He shivered at the thought. He remembered once, before they had been engaged, what she had said. "So how was your day Arcadia?" Joey asked her politely. "It was sooo annoying." My mother took me shopping and all the boys were asking me to marry them. Even the parents were in on it, trying to get my mommy and daddy to sell me away. I never want to be sold away to anyone. Ever. "I can see why. I would never want to be married to some random girl." He and Arcadia laughed together, as Arcadia fell off the bed. Joey would never be like other men. He would ask Arcadia out; naturally. He would ask Arcadia to marry him; naturally. Joey shook the bad memories out of his mind, and went over to Arcadia. "So, you want one?" "YES!" She shouted as she hugged Joey. His crown fell to the floor as Arcadia attacked him with a hug. 

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