Chapter 8: Secerts

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Arcadia began to grow in size. She grew so big that her head nearly touched the ceiling. So much anger and happiness was infused inside her, all her powers were breaking out of her shell at once. After her outbreak was finished, the house was on fire, everything was misshapen and different sizes. Many objects were floating, including Nathan who was frozen in his tracks. He was horrified. But after recovering, he stupidly tried to grab her massive hands. "Get Joey! I'll figure out how to fix her." He says in disgust. Arcadia casually shoots him with a small beam of light, knocking him over. He lied there, paralyzed. Malik's goons tried to grab Joey, but their hands went right through him. "You Malik's are pathetic. It's just a clone!" She rolls her eyes, and laughs snobbishly at how idiotic they were. It was at that moment that Arcadia saw Joey walk in through the hole in the wall where the door was supposed to be, his eyes wide like saucers. He had never seen such catastrophic damage in his life. What had he done? He should have never capped her powers, because now they're out of control. "Arcadia?" Joey got even more freaked out seeing a mute clone of himself. "Joey? I thought you were hurt?" Joey grits his teeth. "I'm in a lot pain right now, but I wanted to come with the army and make sure you were okay. Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?" He was filled with worry at the question. Who knows what he could have done to her this day, or when she was sleeping before.  "Not that I know of..." She says, reading Joey's mind completely. "Good. Is he‐um paralyzed?" "Yeah. I shot some sort of light at him and he hasn't moved since. So why did all my powers have an outburst like this?"

Joey gulped, looking down at his feet. "C‐can I tell you when we're back at the palace please? I don't want to talk about it here." Arcadia thought about hugging him, and shrinked back to her original size. Once she was fully done transforming, she hugged Joey tightly, never wanting to let go. "Of course. So we can go home now?" He nods "We can go home." They walked‐ wait no. They ran back to the palace. Arcadia had never felt so free. When they got inside the palace, Arcadia ran up to hug her father. She missed the palace so much, even though she wasn't gone for that long. Even though she doesn't remember where every room is, she was home. "I'm sorry to interrupt you coming home, but I need to talk to Joey privately again." Lucinda said. Joey groaned mentally as Arcadia came up to him. "Meet me in the attic." She whispered before going back to her father. He was holding Blue, who was crying. Arcadia scooped up Blue, hugging her and petting her. Blue must have been so worried. "Thanks dad." She says to him, hugging him before she went into the attic, waiting for Joey.         "What do you want mom?" Joey said, grimacing as he sat on the couch. Even though he was up and walking, he was still in terrible pain. "So, has she recovered her memories?" "I'm not saying a word about that topic." Lucinda sighs. "Joey, I only want what's best for you." He scoffed "You think that what's best for me is to marry a girl who still doesn't know me that well? She may have recovered her memory, but that doesn't mean that we are still dating. Her mind reset, and so did our relationship. I may or may not ask her out soon, but i'm not going to propose or marry her until the time is right."  "So you don't care about her power?  think about how much power she holds. Don't you want to hold that power as well?" Joey was ENRAGED. He was tired of all this nonsense of marrying a girl who doesn't remember him. And now he knew why she wanted him to marry Arcadia so fast. She just wants Joey to acquire Arcadia's powers. That was it. Not because she knew that Joey loved Arcadia more than his damn mother. For her power. Joey was not going to be the next Nathaniel, marrying her using force. He would never be like that.   "You disgust me." He snapped as he walked off to the attic, not caring that he just said that to his only living parent. But at the moment, Joey didn't think of Lucinda as a mother, but as a palace official trying to control his life. By the time Joey got into the attic, he felt as if he had steam coming out of his ears, thinking about what his mother had said. But he then put on a smile, or at least a straight face before Arcadia saw him. He didn't want her knowing about what had taken place in that living room. I hope David was listening and would confront Lucinda. "So, you'll tell me now, right?" I nodded, realizing that now I had to reveal to her what I had done. I have no idea how she will react.

"Basically, another one of my powers is that I can control certain aspects of magic. And so, when I heard that you had amnesia, I capped off your kinetic powers; for your own safety. Because, with your kinetic powers still useable, you could've destroyed the palace, not knowing how to use them. I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me. All I wanted to do was help." Arcadia smiled brightly at Joey. "It's okay, I understand." "You do?" He asks, not believing it. "Of course I do. I wouldn't want to burn down the palace like the Malik's place either. Speaking of Malik, I wonder if Nathan is still paralyzed.  "I hope so. He deserves it for being the way he is. I mean marrying a girl for her power? It's disgusting." Joey says, thinking of his mother and what she had said.

Arcadia sighs, worrying Joey a bit. 'I wonder what's wrong.' He thinks to himself. "C‐can I tell you my secret now?" Joey just nods, too curious to say anything. "I don't actually belong here. I'm not royalty, I don't have amnesia. I just don't belong in this world. Before I ended up here, I was in my house, and I went to a lot where they would be opening a new park. I helped them get things set up, and when we were nearly done it began to rain. We wrapped everything up, and then lightning started to strike. Lightning started to chase me, and I ran from it. But, with the rain and fog, I couldn't see where I was going. I ran into a massive oak tree, and passed out. Then, I woke up in that forest. I had no idea where I was. Then I heard two men talking. They mentioned two people; Lord Malik, and young Graceffa. Then they talked about kidnapping me, but the other person said it was a bad idea. But the other goon interjected, saying that me and 'young Graceffa' had gotten into a fight, and that's why I was in the forest. They almost did kidnap me, but you showed up. You started apologizing, and that's when everything went downhill. I'm living a new life now. Maybe I died hitting that oak tree, and got put as Arcadia Graceffa here in this world." "Sorry if this makes absolutely no sense." Joey's mind was blown at the thought. She was a different person before?  "Well, whoever you were before, I don't care. I only  care about you being here now. My life would've been completely different without you. Joey said, blushing red. "Um Arcadia?" "Yeah?" "D‐do you want to maybe go on a‐a date with me tomorrow?" Arcadia was shocked. Even after what she had just said, Joey wants to go on a date with her?! "Sure." She says, blushing madly as she hugged him. She hoped that everything could stay this way, forever.

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