Chapter 4: The Velvet Case

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"Joey! I missed you!" Arcadia said, smiling when she saw him Arcadia wanted to hug him, but it was nearly impossible with him sitting at his desk. Joey sat at his desk in his study, browsing through a ancient textbook. "Joey?" Arcadia asked again, curious of why she was being ignored. "Oh hey Arcadia." Joey said in monotone, no feeling in his voice. Arcadia frowns slightly. "Why are you reading this ancient textbook? Is there a test in school this Monday or something? She asked, hoping there wouldn't be a test. Joey sighs. "Look Arcadia, I really need to study. I love having you around, but it's hard to concentrate when you're distracting me with questions." Arcadia was hurt. "Don't you miss me? I was gone for a long time." He said nothing. "D‐did you even think about me while I was gone?" No answer. "Joey please, say something." Arcadia said, choking back sobs. Joey continued to look through the textbook as if she weren't even there. 

"You know what fine! I was about to say I love you and I missed you! But if you're going to be a jerk, then i'll just leave!" Joey still said nothing. "I hate you! All I wanted was a hug! I really missed you!" Arcadia shouted as she ran out. Out of the study and out of the palace. She half sprinted to nowhere as her tears blinded her. She didn't care where she would end up. Arcadia just wanted away from him. Without seeing it, she suddenly ran into a big, hard oak tree. She could hear her own body smack up against the wood. Arcadia woke up crying. Joey ran in, as if he had been watching her. "Arcadia, what's wrong?" He asked, concerned for what could have happened while he was setting the table. "I‐I think I had a memory; about the breakup." Joey stopped in his tracks, and tried to remain his posture. "Oh. So I guess you know how much of a jerk I am now, huh?" "You're not all that bad, Joey. I could see how stressed out you were, even if you hurt my feelings." "And‐And I'm sorry. I promise it'll never happen again. I will have other monarchy tests, and so will you; but I promise that I won't act like that." Arcadia smiled. "It's okay Joey; I know you're not that kind of person on the inside. Is breakfast ready?" Arcadia asked, hoping it'd be okay to change the subject. "Yeah, it's ready." Lucinda peeked her head in. 

"Oh, good, you two of made up. Arcadia, go ahead and get breakfast; I need to talk to Joey." Arcadia bowed politely, leaving into the kitchen. "Joey, I have something for you." Lucinda says, pulling out a velvet case. She opened it, and inside was a beautiful diamond ring. "I thought about what you said. You can propose whenever you'd like, but here is the ring." Joey stared at it with rancor. "I want to pick my own ring." He snapped, sighing. Couldn't his mother just get the hint that he didn't want his life controlled? "I will pick the ring myself. I will pick all the decorations and other arrangements, myself." Joey snapped, walking out without taking another look at that over‐expensive and over‐unique ring.

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