Chapter 9: Perfect Day

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As Arcadia woke up in the morning of her date with Joey, she wondered where they would go. She asked several times, but he refused to tell. She dressed in a pretty summer dress, straightening her hair and putting on a bit of makeup, even though the date was at night. After finishing up, Arcadia decided to play with Blue, since she didn't have much time. Over the past few days, Joey put her in touch with her old mentor, so that she could learn how to use her powers, so that if Nathan ever tried anything ever again, that Arcadia knew how to fend for herself.  It had taken a toll on Arcadia, in a good and bad way. It was good that she was learning to harness her power, but bad because she didn't have much time to pay attention to Blue, or talk to Joey. Arcadia wished she could take blue, but her mentor labeled Blue as a distraction. Which, no matter how much it angered Arcadia, was true.         Hours past, and she had not seen Joey once all day. Arcadia asked Lucinda, but she didn't even want to mention Joey. I guess she was still getting over what he had said. Eventually, it was six o'clock, time for the date. Arcadia stood at the end of the balcony in the study, looking out at the setting sun. Joey walked over, putting an arm around her. "Beautiful, isn't it?" She nodded. They don't exactly have normal sunsets. Instead of yellow and orange, their sunset was purple and pink. A rare sight if Arcadia ever saw one. Once the sun finished setting, Joey left for a second, and came back with a blindfold.

"You're going to blindfold me?" She asks, laughing a bit. "It has to be a complete surprise. Don't worry, I won't let you trip over anything." "Good to know." Arcadia muttered playfully, rolling her eyes. Joey put the blindfold on her, waving a hand in front of her face. "Can you see anything?" He asks, still waving a hand in front of Arcadia's face."Nope. I'm in complete darkness, like my soul." She jokes, reaching out her hands. She can feel Joey grab one hand, his other hand on her back. Joey led Arcadia around, sometimes giving directions like duck, or step up. But other then that, the trip there was silent. Arcadia shivered once they had left the palace. They walked down a long, dirt path until they had finally arrived at their destination. From where they were standing, Joey could see the lake below them, and what he had prepared a bit further out."Okay, now you can take the blindfold off. She takes it off, gasping once she could see the sight in front of her. The two of them stood atop a large hill, that overlooked the lake. He was glad that she didn't notice what he had prepared.     "It's beautiful." She says, speechless."Welcome to Star lake.

This is where we had our first date." Joey says, not sure if she had received that bit of info in her memory coma. "Follow me." " Joey had the sudden urge to take her hand again, but he decided against it. He started walking towards what he had set up, watching behind him to make sure Arcadia didn't fall. It was a steep hill after all. After a little bit of walking, they had arrived A raft floated above water, anchored to the rocky land below. On the raft lay a table for two, already prepped with food and drinks. Connected to the raft, was a long bridge that lied barely above the water, so they had an easier way to get to the raft. The got onto the smooth wood raft, both sitting in a seat. "So Joey, do you have something to tell me?" His cheeks turned red, and and he avoided her eyes. "Not really, why would you think so?" All Joey could do is sit there and count the endless possibilities. "Your mother didn't even want to hear the sound of your name, as if she was mad at you. What have you done to make her so upset?" She asks, getting startled a bit looking at Joey's angered expression. "As soon as we were back at the palace, my mother kept talking to me about marrying you. And even though I told her that you had amnesia about a thousand times, she kept trying to get me to marry you and kept trying to control the wedding as if it were going to happen! I mean would you marry someone who can't even remember your name? After you had come back from Malik's palace, she talked to me again. I explained the situation again, and this time she started mentioning your power. How if I just married you instead of waiting, I could have your power and be as powerful as you. She was basically telling me to become the next Nathan Malik. I just‐I couldn't take it! She's trying to control my life as if i'm her puppet! So I may have said some rude things, but what she has said over the course of this month was even worse." Arcadia blinked, not sure what to say.          "Oh. I didn't know your mother was like that. She seemed nice. Don't worry about her for right now; all it will do is make you stressed." "No wonder you're psychic; you always know what to say." She shrugged, starting to eat. She didn't want her food to get cold. Joey also started eating, but every time Arcadia looked at Joey, he avoided her eyes. After he had just ranted about his mother, what else could be wrong? At this moment Arcadia wished to read his mind, but wouldn't break her self contract.

She promised to herself that she would never use her powers on others unless it's necessary; she didn't exactly like the fact of invading people's minds."Joey, are you okay? You're shaking quite a lot, and you won't even look me in the eyes. Did I say something?" "No, it's not you. I just‐ I can't explain it right now but there's just something going on‐ a war inside my head." "Okay...." She said, bringing out the y to emphasize that she was still worried, and confused. Joey reached inside his pocket, and pulled out something that Arcadia couldn't see   "Close your eyes again. Just really quick." She shrugged, closing her eyes. Even though Joey was acting strange, she did what he said anyways. She could feel something being put around her neck. "You can open them now." He says. When I opened my eyes, I saw Joey who was finally smiling, acting like his goofy self. "Don't tell anyone but I actually stole that. It was in the Malik palace. It belonged to your mom" Arcadia gasped, looking down at what looked to be an amulet. "I know it's not the same as the one I had made for you, but I thought you would like something that belonged to your mom." "Thank you Joey, but why were you so nervous about a piece of jewelry?" she said, laughing slightly. "I wasn't nervous about the amulet. I'm nervous about what I'm about to ask you. Now don't get the wrong idea, i'm not going to actually do as my  my mother says. This is actually the complete opposite." Joey took a deep breath. "Look. At the moment, I no longer want to be around my mother. Sometimes just looking at our palace makes me a bit sad and angry inside. So i'm leaving. It's not going to be permanent, just for another month. I'll leave in three days, one day before the first day of the next month." "So you're going to leave me here alone with your crazy mother and my dad!?" Arcadia was sad yet enraged. "No. I want you to come with me. We're actually going to meet up with a special someone who wants to see you. They haven't seen you in many, many years. So please, leave this place and come with me. I don't think I'd be able to live out there by myself and the other person." Arcadia's mood brightened, and she smiled. "Of course I want to come with you! Why wouldn't I?!" Joey sighs of relief. "I just had to look ahead. If you said no, you might go tell my mother and I could be locked inside the palace. No one can know about this Arcadia, it's very important that not a single soul knows about this besides you and I. This person we are visiting, they are labeled as unstable.

People think that this person is a maniac, when he's actually a brilliant mastermind. He's actually just like you. You two share the same powers, except he knows how to use his without blowing up the palace." Joey joked. She laughs, knowing that she had actually blown up the palace on three occasions. "So where exactly is this place?" Arcadia asks, wondering how much of a trip it would be. "First, we travel to the Monoke forest. At the forest there is a hidden underground bunk where we will find him. But, in order for us to sneak out, you need to have mastered your flying or teleportation power. Have you mastered one?" She nods.  "I mastered flight yesterday." "Good. so let's clean up, and then once we leave, I need you to go pack. you'll probably want to pack everything, since we'll be gone for a long time. Make sure blue is in her cage, and set your alarm for about 4 in the morning. We'll have breakfast while we walk." "Okay; hopefully I can remember all that." Arcadia says, standing up. Joey stands up as well, and they both smile. Arcadia was glad that Joey was finally at peace, and able to look into her eyes. Her eyes flickered between Joey's eyes, and his lips. He leaned in and kissed her, which made her world light  up. All these weeks, Arcadia still wondered if Joey even liked her in that kind of way because of the incident. She feared that he now had no interest in Arcadia at all, but now, her questions were answered. Eventually Arcadia pulled away, and hugged Joey. He hugged her back, still trying to process what had just happened. "I love you Joey." The stars shone brightly above them, making the day even more memorable. a shooting star sped past, making it the perfect day.

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