Chapter 7: Resistance

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Arcadia was scared beyond belief after reading that note. Joey told her about her powers, and how whoever marries her would gain them as well. She couldn't let Nathan marry her. Arcadia also worried about Joey; The note said that he was in critical condition fighting for her life. It made her feel terrible, him putting up a fight and losing his girlfriend. "Good morning princess" A male says in a voice that got Arcadia scared instantly. She could already see the smirk on his face Though Arcadia didn't turn around to look, she shouted out the first thing she could think of. "Get away from me you creep!" She shouted, tossing an apple his direction, turning around to face who she assumed was Nathan Malik. She watched as he caught the apple with ease, biting it. "That assumption was quite rude, don't you think? This is your future husband you're talking to." "Don't even get me started on that. And it's true. Watching me while I sleep? Kidnapping and attempting to marry a girl for her power? Sounds like a creep to me." Arcadia says cooly, even though she was freaking out in her head. "And, I'll never marry you anyways. You can't force a girl to marry her. They have to either sign a document, or say those two words, which I never will." She said, making sure not to say 'I do.' That could end very badly. "I was watching you to make sure you didn't escape. The basement doors lock doesn't work." He then sighed. "You don't understand. I don't want to marry you for your power. Ever since I saw you holding hands with Joey walking down that brick path, I fell in love with you. But you were already taken by a jerk who can't even hug his girlfriend after she was gone for an entire month." 

Nathan says confidently, knowing he was pushing her buttons. "And trust me; you'll come around to it, or I'll have Joey executed." Arcadia nearly choked on her spit when she heard the last part. "I hate you." She stomped up the steps and out the basement door. Since she had never been to the Malik palace, she wasn't sure where to go. But she did see a window, and hopped through it. She seemed to be in the garden, which was luckily abandoned. She found a small crevice to hide under as she sobbed uncontrollably. She couldn't help it. This was all her fault from the beginning, wanting to marry Joey. Now she's caused him so much pain, and might even kill him. But would Arcadia really let them kill Joey? Or would she marry Nathan. No. Get the thought out of your head. 'I can't possibly marry him and give him power to overpower everyone. She continued to sob there, until she opened her eyes to a bright light. It was the amulet Joey had given to her on their first date. ﴾the picture on this chapter﴿It had many gems, but the one in the middle was the only one glowing. What did it mean? Arcadia couldn't remember; she got a memory of receiving the amulet, but not what it did. In a sudden burst of light, a hologram of Joey appeared. He was in his bed, sleeping. His face seemed to be red from crying. "Joey!" Arcadia shouted, wanting to hug the sleeping hologram. A groan is heard, and Joey's eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets as he saw arcadia through his amulet, which was identical to Arcadia's, just with a red color. "Arcadia? You figured out how to use the amulet?" "Not really. I was‐um crying and it started glowing, and then your face appeared and I nearly had a heart attack." "Oh. To activate the amulet, all you have to do is think of whoever you want to summon. I'm really glad to see you, but worried at the same time. Are you okay? You haven't married that girl have you?" Arcadia shook her head, laughing slightly as she wiped her tears away "But there's many problems. I've escaped from the basement, and so he's probably looking for me, he's creeping me out, and worst of all he said that if I didn't marry him, he'd kill you! I don't know what to do." "It's okay. Just stay put and i'll have an army infiltrate the palace. 

I'd come too, but i'm‐" "Oh yeah, are you okay? What happened? When Nathan entered the attic, I started fighting him, but his sword has‐ it has poison on it. The doctor isn't sure if I'll be able to make it. Arcadia's eyes were wide, and tears started to fall. "If only I could get there. I might be able to help you, if I knew how to use my pow‐" Arcadia was cut off by someone lifting her up from her amulet. You struggled to breath, there was a zap of electricity, and you were on the floor. Nathan stood there, yelping and rubbing his hand. "Oh no." "WHY YOU LITTLE‐" He was cut off by another zap of electricity as he tried to grab her amulet again. "Stupid, stupid Malik's. You think I would give her an amulet that's not enchanted with a protection spell? You can't harm her as long as she keeps her amulet on." "Shut up! No one needs to hear you! You just have to ruin everything for me, don't you? You can't just let me have what I want for one lousy day, can you?" "Nate I‐" "Don't call me by that name! Don't ever say that again or i'll marry her right now!" Arcadia was confused. Joey smirked, thinking it wasn't possible. "Psht. You can try, but I don't think it's possible with her forcefield, and she wouldn't do it anyways." Arcadia was suddenly attacked from behind, and her amulet was removed, though whoever was doing it got many volts of electricity through them. "Joey don't forget the plan! and don't‐" She was cut off by another one of Malik's goons stepping on the amulet. "Now, let's go to breakfast, shall we?" 

Nathan took her hand, walking back inside the palace with Arcadia in tow. She gritted her teeth as she attempted to get out of his death grip. He even kissed her, which made her gag. "You see? this is what a creep acts like. Just so you know, you'll never find Joey. Because I have him. He's with my soul." Arcadia closed her eyes, concentrating deeply. She felt something in her free hand, and dropped it to the ground. Joey began to appear as Nathan turned towards her, giving her a striking blow to the face. Not even the Joey forming knew what was just about to happen... 

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