Chapter 2: Stupid Maliks

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Arcadia's head throbbed and ached as her vision started to come back. The first place she thought she would be was the hospital. But looking around, she saw trees. That made Arcadia think about Mongolia Park, but all she saw were Acacia trees, her favorite. There were also Birch trees, her least favorite. There were no Mongolia trees as far as she can see. She heard a quiet gasp, and swiveled her head in confusion. "It's her, the princess." A voice whispered. "Lord Malik would be pleased with us if we were able to bring her back." A different voice whispers "But what about the young Graceffa? Couldn't he be hiding somewhere?" Arcadia heard rustling. "No. They just got into a big fight; that's why she's present." The voice says, voice going louder. "On the count of three. One, two, THREE!" Two big, burly men jumped out from behind the trees at Arcadia. She screamed, though she had sensed it coming. But she was confused; why they were referring her as a princess and who are young Graceffa and Lord Malik? She thought in her head as she backed away from the two men. The two men began to step closer to Arcadia, making her sweat with worry. What would happen if she made it to this "Lord Malik" person theses men kept talking about? Closer and closer they stepped, until they had cornered her against one of the ugly birch trees. They were about to grab her, when there was a shout, and more footsteps. 

"ARCADIA!' Another voice shouted, as a boy came into view. Dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He had royal attire that would make her guess that he was a prince of some sorts. Maybe he was young Graceffa. "S-step away from her!" The boy stumbled as he ran over clumsily, standing in front of Arcadia. Her cheeks were a light pink for some reason; Arcadia couldn't put her finger on what was going on. Who are these men? Who is this boy? " I THOUGHT YOU SAID HE WAS HERE!" The man shouted to the other, making Arcadia cringe at the loud noise. "I thought he wouldn't! Now shut up, we need to figure out how to get rid of him! "stupid maliks" he whispers under his breath. The boy's hand created a circle, which filled with blueish light. Once the circle was full, a beam of the blueish light shot at the men, knocking them down. They boy turned to her, taking her hand. "Come on!" He shouted, making sure not to be too loud. Though Arcadia wanted to ask questions, she ran with the boy, allowing herself to be dragged a bit, seeming he was a bit faster than her. They ran for awhile, and finally he stopped. Looking around before he turned back to her. "Ar-Arcadia i'm really sorry. I'm really sorry about leaving you alone, and about not spending enough time with you. I have a monarchy test tomorrow, and i've been trying to study. But i promise, after tomorrow, we can go anywhere in the kingdom, and spend the whole day together. What do you say?" Arcadia was speechless for a moment. What was this boy talking abou? "Sorry, but who are you?"

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