Part5- Some Peace

11 5 2

Song; Formation- By Beyonce

Enjoy ;)




I nodded before putting my headphones over my ears and sinking into my world.

Time passed comfortably as I enjoyed the company of myself but unfortunately nothing lasts forever as voices met my ears passing through the soft tunes of the loud music and crashing down my walls of my peaceful isolation. I turned off the music but I didn't take off my headphones

A girl: - I'm so excited to meet my 'Can' [She sighed my name and squealed in excitement so I'm sure she wasn't lying about 'that'] I totally adore him, he's so brave and... A badass!! I even heard that he once fought an entire vampires' clan only by himself!!! So heroic!!

At least some of that is true.

Tux: - Yes he did. [He was proud as if she was complimenting him] Well if he didn't prefer working solo I would have went with him in that assignment.

Ha, that's totally true, jerk!

David: - This is going to be so much fun. And by the way, Nath, I saw you with those girls outside, why were they here??

Ian: - Did that hot one came to say goodbye???? Nice, don't tell me she fell in your net?!!! She is totally attractive, man!!

My nails sank in the hands of the leather seat as I tried to keep calm

Tux: - She said she came with her slut sister. Hah!! She said that rubbish is going to meet her new team here!!! Poor people!!!

David: - She was so rude and arrogant last night as if owning the place, but, man, she got pale after hearing that we'll be in Can's team.

Ian: - She must be one of those creepy obsessed stalkers that jump at every chance to meet the guy.

I hardly believe that those people exist because if they did I don't think the world will still think that Can as a man.

Tux: - Disgusting...

As they got inside, their soft jaws landed on the floor while their eyes melted next to their feet

David: - What is she doing here???

The girl: - Who is she? [Disgusted] Ugh, what is she even wearing? [I'll give you a hint: CLOTHES] Sed will be totally disturbed when he comes here.

Tux got closer towards me then was about to grab my shoulder and yank me out of my seat but he stopped midway as my cold hard eyes dared him to even move another inch

Tux: - What are you doing here slut??

I didn't answer and him and turned my attention back to my IPod

Tux: - Who the hell do you think you are to ignore me s-...

He was cut midsentence by a deep husky male's voice making him freeze in his spot

The voice: - Stop making this stupid noise!! Take your seats quietly and Sandra... Did Marcus and Can come yet??

Sandra: - Not yet, Sed.

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