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I got to the car and stormed to the airport in record time. In ten minutes I was parking the car and heading inside but at the door I remembered the weapons all over me.

Cursing under my breath I turned and went back to the car.

All my weapons will get me in so much trouble and I didn't have time to waste it but if I go by car it will take me hours to get there.

Two options are all I got now; the first was to look for a flight in the upcoming half hour and if there is one I'll go without my weapons. The second option comes if I can't find a flight in the right time and end up taking the car and drive like a mad woman to get there fast!!!!

Luckily there was a flight in twenty minutes so I put all my weapons in the car with a bad feeling in my guts!! Ugh, I hate being unarmed!!! I left some money in the car and closed it hiding the key well under it.

I got in the plane silently trying to have a little patience but I had that feeling wanting me to get to my sister sooner than this and at the same time there was that voice in the back of my head whispering 'danger' in each passing second.

My palms were sweaty and my feet were tapping on the floor as I breathed deeply to calm my nerves and try to ignore all the mixed feelings inside me. Something really wrong had happened or about to happen soon and I'm not capable of stopping it.

Time passed slowly as if trying to test my patience but as soon as the plane landed I threw my backpack over my shoulder and ran out to catch a cab.

I still remember the location of the headquarters so I gave it to the taxi driver and told him to drive as fast as he can but of course he couldn't obey fearing for his life and job.

I gave him his money storming inside the small diner. It was deserted like the last time I was there so I didn't wait for the woman to come as I ran around the counter and past the kitchen door. I looked for the door we used the last time we came here and fortunately finding it wasn't that hard.

I pushed the only button and the door closed. As the elevator stopped in the right floor the door swung open and I walked out heading to the receptionist!!!

As soon as I stood in front of her desk she lifted her head to greet me but her smile dropped as fast as she saw my face

The receptionist: - Ms. Jasper?? We are not expecting you!!! Do you have an appointment???

Emilya: - I'm here to talk with Mr. Goldman.

The receptionist: - I'm sorry... But you can't meet him without an appointment!! 

The poor woman didn't know that I don't give up fast and believe me if I want something I get in one way or the other

Emilya: - Can you call him and give me the phone to talk to him, please?!!

She nodded and did as I told her then she handed me the phone.

His voice seemed amused making me grit my teeth together in annoyance!!

Goldman: - Oh, Ms. Jasper!!

Emilya [As sweet as possible]: - Mr. Goldman!!! Always delighted to hear your voice!! Can I have a word with you please???

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