Part13-Staring session

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Iggy Azalea- Bounce


And comment if you need translation for the french conversation.



He was as tall as I concluded inside, twice my size with a very impressive muscular body special in his own way, he wasn't like a bodybuilder or something but he was outstanding!!! 

And also that sharp jaw line of his that can cut diamonds was covered by a light beard, but what caught my attention before moving my eyes higher was that lip piercing!!! Instead of making him look like a punk street-freak it made him look even more dazzling holding his lower lip like that!!!!!!

Then my eyes traveled up from his amused smiling lips to lock with his bright amber eyes with some impressive thick black eyebrows and those illegally long eyelashes!!! His hair fell on his eyes with some dark black locks of hair even darker than mine adding to his toxic charm and making him absolutely breathtaking!!!!!

I just kept staring at him until a deep laughter interrupted my staring session sending shiver through my entire body!!

"Are you checking me out, human??!!!"

His voice was like rich honey and warmth, it's insane!!!

Emilya: - You wish, vampire!!!

Then I turned from him trying to steady my crazy heart beats so he won't realize that I totally got distracted by his handsome face, it's not good for my reputation nor for his respect towards me!! But damn it, this was so embarrassing!!! I cleared my throat then started walking confidently with my eyes scanning the place.

Emilya: - Come on vampy, we have a party to attend!!

And like that he was at my side like a loyal guard!! We walked through the stone tunnels and each time we meet a vampire he ends up headless by the one and only......Me.

My new partner was very impressed by my ability of turning walking vampires to headless stony vampires. He didn't see all my abilities yet though!!

We ran through several tunnels until we finally reached the exit. Luckily there weren't any guards at the door so I told my partner to cover himself in the corner so if it was daytime outside he won't turn into a French-toast!! Hilarious I know!!!

I pushed the huge iron double door just as natural sunlight rushed inside blinding me for a second then the noise of an alarm rang in the smelly air and soon enough an army of guards will be in my face so I opened the double doors as much as possible so who comes after us first will turn into ashes.

I turned to my partner at the corner waiting for my commands and took off my jacket then rushed to his side and luckily he was wearing some old leather pants and a thick shirt with long sleeves.

Emilya: - Cover your head and hands with my jacket and let's get the hell out of here!!

"But won't the sun burn me like this??!"

Emilya: - I'll tell you a secret big-boy, vampires only need to be in the shade to not be burned by the sunlight and clothes can actually provide that shade!!!

"From experience??!"

Emilya: - That's right!!! Now let's go!!

He did as I told him, and we both ran outside under the bright sunlight. There was a big field of grass blending into a forest at the ends so I dragged him to the forest and we kept running until we passed miles and miles to finally stop under the shade of the glorious trees.

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